Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
That's good news Jenny. :thumb:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Jenny ~ Dang girl, I just found this thread. It's good to hear you are OK and in good spirits about the situation. Take care and if you need anything be sure and yell.

Regarding the atty, be sure and get an agressive one if you really need one to get things moving. I am not sure that the one I hired helped me a bit.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Glad to hear everything's ok. Take care of it, through physical therapy or whatever is needed, or you'll feel it for the rest of your life; my mother has neck and shoulder problems from a car accident 15 years ago when she didn't let her injuries heal properly (two kids, working part time and a worthless husband who didn't help out with anything). You'll be fine though.

What kind of new truck are you getting? Import or domestic? Full size or compact? I really like the new F150s myself . . . I know, you should get a Lightning! Yes! The perfect bike hauler. :aj:


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
Well, I've talked to a few people and they say the ER is full of poop and that I need to see a chiropractor to see what is really wrong. From what I'm told the hospital should have shot x-rays, which they didn't and a range of motion test, which they didn't. My parents are upset at me now because I don't know who to believe or listen to. My mom says that I ride MX and im going to have problems when I get older anyways so what does it matter if it was from this car wreck or my motorcycle. I say... MX was/is my choice and this car wreck was not, and that is the difference. I will see how I feel on monday without pain killers and if it isn't better then I think I am going to go see the chiropractor. Afterall, it is my body.

I am looking at getting a Fullsize v8 truck with the extended cab with the 4 doors. They have some awesome sales at the end of the year and my dad has a GM rebate too... so it's either gonna be a GMC or a Chevy. It all depends on how much they pay me for my totaled truck and all the other damaged stuff. I couldn't have picked a better time to total a truck! The rebates are around 6-10 grand off msrp, plus my dad's GM rebate. :) I'm stoked about the new truck! I'm praying that they total my truck tho... (the frame is bent in like 3 places so I don't see why they wouldn't)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by blackhawk468
so it's either gonna be a GMC or a Chevy.



Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Dang Jenny! I am thankful that you made out of all of that alive. Kinda makes you realize that we are not assured even as much as another breath!

Something to think about...

1 Thessalonians 5:18



Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
HOLY CRAP .... what a day! Real bummer :( Glad everyone is "okay" though and I hope your back/neck pain is just some soreness/stiffness and nothing serious. Sounds like you're excited about getting a new truck so that'll be one positive outta all of this hell! Good luck with all the insurance BS, hopefully it'll be painless.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by blackhawk468
Well, I've talked to a few people and they say . . . that I need to see a chiropractor to see what is really wrong.
um, I don't want to rain on anyones parade, but in my experience, a chiropractor is a step above a witch doctor. I'd go see your personal doc first, then get referred to a good orthopedic doctor. Chiropractors are pretty much just bone-crackers, and they'll get you in a cycle of "adjustments", where a good orthopod will be able to set you up with a good physical therapist to get you back on the bike.

Oh yeah, and get a Chevy. ;)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by XRpredator

um, I don't want to rain on anyones parade, but in my experience, a chiropractor is a step above a witch doctor.

I used to agree. However, after going to my ortho for my back and my family doc for my lower back and sciatica I finally decided to try the chiro. I went for 2 months and was having trouble standing upright when he finally got the L5 to move. My face muscle's immediately relaxed and the pain went away.

It was absolutely amazing.

I have been going to my chiro for 3 years now and my migraines have reduced to being manageable with over the counter meds where my family doc was giving me Immitrex and Midrin. The ortho set me up with physical therapy but it didn't help and the pain got worse and worse. My family doc almost was to the point he was going to get an MRI and see if I needed surgery. That was all before I went to the chiro.

My chiro says the only thing he can help with is mis-alignment. If I have a cold I need to see a family doc and he says don't ask him about meds b/c he doesn't practice medicine. He only deals with spinal issues that can be resolved with adjustment.

I have changed my tune about them since seeing this guy. He is great and doesn't bull**** me.



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by XRpredator

um, I don't want to rain on anyones parade, but in my experience, a chiropractor is a step above a witch doctor. I'd go see your personal doc first, then get referred to a good orthopedic doctor. Chiropractors are pretty much just bone-crackers, and they'll get you in a cycle of "adjustments", where a good orthopod will be able to set you up with a good physical therapist to get you back on the bike.

I second that--and while I don't want to start a big debate (probably too late huh) I know FAR more people with horror stories than praise for chiropractors.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
There are charlatans everywhere. The thing is to research the chiro and make sure he has character. I have met a few others since going to my chiro and I wouldn't let them crack a stick. I've been lucky with mine but like everything else it is important to find a good one.

I have had bad luck with doctors too but that doesn't mean I avoid MD's... I just found one that I could trust and does a good job and now I make sure he stays my primary physician.



AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I'm glad you found a good one, Ivan, and there are some out there. Unfortunately, they are the minority, while others are just there to grease their own palms.

I guess we could say there are people like that in all walks of life. :|


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Man Jenny, when it rains it pours!! Glad to hear you're feeling better. :)

I just saw Final Destination 1 & 2 over the weekend so your referral to it freaked me out a bit. That is one freaky movie.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Jenny!  Wow.  Hopefully you're well on the way to recovery.  I had a similar situation last year, except everything was spread out a few weeks apart so I had time to work through each one.   :think:

Get your body healed first, then worry about the truck and bike. Divide and conquer! 

Oh, did you or anyone get pictures of the bike and/or truck after it got smashed up?  May help with insurance.   And save ANY little receipt you have for things you had to buy/rent/whatever during your convalesence.  The attorney can help you recover your expenses from the idjit that hit you.

Oh, and good choice on the truck!  We just picked up a new Silverado 1500 LS, with tow package.  Love the extended cab, and it rides very nicely! 

Take care, and keep us posted!



Oct 3, 1999
Just saw this thread.. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes Jenny, glad to see you're safe though! How are you feeling now that it's been a few days?


Mar 22, 2000
Best wishes on your recovery. See as many doctors as you can, get 2nd opinions, etc. Soft tissue damage (what you experienced) is being challenged more and more in courts. Insurance companies are reluctant to pay.

Chiropracters... there are good ones and bad ones. However, from someone involved in the healthcare industry - just a reminder, they are not physicians. Don't expect them to be. From many expert's perspectives they do not "fix" the problem anymore than a good paint job on your truck will fix the bent frame. However, they do make you feel better.


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
After the right side of my body went numb I knew something else was wrong. I went to a chiropracter on Thursday that my dad went to and she is not a witch doctor, she uses a actuator (sp?) which is a gentle approach to chiropracting. The X-rays arn't that great and she said basicaly it will be 3 months before I can even think about riding, and she reccommends that I take longer than that, but we will have to see how fast I progress to determine anything. My spine is all jacked up, it is not straight and my neck lost it's natural curve, which I may never get back... :( The curve in my neck is basially reversed and they put me in a neck brace. Then my spine is off centered by about 1 inch near my hip. Also, my hip is tilted so the right side of my body is now taller than my left by 1/2 inch. The tests she did show that I lost a lot of strength in my right arm and have lost feeling in my right arm and leg, as well as decreased grip strength. I've also had some Killer Headaches. The list goes on...

I was going downhill pretty fast, but since my first "treatment" the downhill spiral has ceased and I'm starting to feel better and have finally gotten to where I can sleep at night for the most part. The pain amount goes up and down through out the days and usually depends on what I'm doing or how I'm sitting which I can hardly do for more than an hour at my desk, which greatly effects my work. I'm not off the pain pills yet, but hope to get off them asap.

The good news is I'm not dying, the other insurance has accepted libailty for the accident and is working on getting me some cash money so I can go get all new stuff and repair my bike. :thumb:


Oct 3, 1999
I'm glad you hear you're on the road to recovery, although the injuries were worse than expected.. Keep us up to date, there's a lot of folks here that care about you!!
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