1985 Honda Xr350r

Ma Cooper

Jan 12, 2019
Hello all, some time ago I purchased a 1985 Honda Xr350r, it’s been a while since i’ve Ridden motorcycles. I grew up on Honda’s, had some Yamaha’s, a Suzuki, a Husqvarna, a Ducati and loved and hated them all to one degree or another ( depending on their reliability etc). I decided to rebuild the XR and got started only to find out that suppliers of parts actually know less about it than I do.
I’m now at the point where i’m trying to replace the cam chain, I can’t get the 108 link chain (54 per side double row) to fit (which is touted by all as the right one) and after much frustration I finally decided to check it against the original. The (very loose) original chain I have discovered is a 110 link chain (55 per side double row), I can’t seem to find anyone who sells this particular size chain to fit this particular model and the bike was running reasonably well before I dismantled it so I assume the chain was ‘right’. Has the bike been modified by someone somehow, i’m Mightily confused and any help/knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Oct 20, 2018
my friend can help you. wait!!!!