My right fork on my '88 xr250 leaks oil out of the bottom bolt. As soon as I noticed I went to my honda shop and bought Honda ss8 fork oil, which they told me to get, a fork bleeder tool, and a fork seal set. I didnt read the shop manual until the next day. I found out it says to use ss7 (will ss8 work?) and that you dont need a bleeder tool (can i still use it? its on special order) I also found out that it isnt going to be an easy job. The manual has a few special tools it says you need to get the forks off. Do i really need them? (something called a slider holder or something) Also is it has hard as it seems? Is there a website i can go to to get better directions on changing the seals? Any help would be great!
Thanks! :aj:
Thanks! :aj: