Jul 18, 2002
I just enter my first g.p. I will be racing the 125 BEG. I was hoping someone could maybe tell me what kind of start to expect.

And in general what to expect from the course- how long, terrain, etc. I am a bit nervous being my first race but amped to do it. Let me know do I need to take any special percautions being a beginner out with the experts.



Jul 5, 2000
A GP is like a combined motocross / cross country race. Some of it is man made, some of it is natural terrain, some of it paved. You won't find any killer SX type double or triple jumps, but you will find nasty hills and sticky mud holes and rocks. I've never done the Elsinore GP, so I don't know for sure but usually a GP course is pretty long, like 8-10 miles. If you entered 125 BEG you'll be racing with other Beginners and maybe Novices, but you won't have to start with Ammies or Experts/Pros. GP starts are done many ways, one is live engine standing beside the bike. I think you have to put your clutch hand on your helmet too. Sometimes you have to have your bike up on a box, run to it, start it and then go. Anyway, be careful of the corners going into and out of the paved sections. It just takes a bit of dirt and sand on the asphalt and it gets super slippery on knobbies. And for you first race, just concentrate on finishing and riding smooth. You'll do a lot better that way than trying to go as fast as you can and being outta control half the time.

Good luck, and if your near Glen Helen, come by tomorrow or Sunday. Our club is putting on a GP and you could watch and check things out


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Hey TNUTT, I rode it last year, I don't remember how many miles a loop was , but it only took about 10 mins to do one; You'll start on asphalt for a short run, then you'll hit a fast little dirt section, then a very short asphalt section again, then is all natural around the base of the hill, this area is pretty fun, eventually you'll do a street xing and a nice table ( the only man made item), back to asphalt, up one side and down the other of the bridge and then back on the dirt, you'll do the street xing again then off to the mud hole, from there you'll work your way around, up and over the hill and come down the other side back onto main street.

You'll start with your pier group, so you won't have to deal with the experienced riders they will be 2 min ahead of ya , but 2 mins behind you will be another class, like for example Vet Novice and the will eventually catch ya, no biggie

All I can say now is, this is a must do event :thumb: , have fun and you'll see a lot of DRNers there


Jan 27, 2000

The start is live engine, sitting on the bike. You will be flagged off in groups. The first turn is a slippery right hander that should be taken with care. The course is 6 miles long and the leaders will go 40 minutes.

Just hold your line. The fast guys will get around you and the rest will have to figure it out for themselves. Concentrate on what is in front of you, not who is behind. :thumb:

Like JPIVEY said, there will be a large group of DRN'ers riding it this year. Look us up.

Just my $ .02. But, then what the hell do I know? :confused:



Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by Ol'89r

Just my $ .02. But, then what the hell do I know? :confused:

AHELLAVA damn lot you ol' phart ;)


Jan 27, 2000
You guys are too kind. I think? :eek:
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