
Mar 7, 2001
1. I just got my son a new YZ85 and after a tank and a half I feel it should be broke-in. I wasn't going to mess with the jetting for awhile but it is spooging terrible. It hasn't fouled a plug yet though.
Any one know how rich the factory settings on this is. My thoughts are to do the same thing I did to my Husky 125 to clean it up, go one size smaller on both jets and drop the needle one position. We are going riding tomorrow and I'm not sure I want to make this many changes at once. What do the power that be think.

#2. Does anyone know if Honda HP2 100% synthetic and Motul 800 100% synthetic are compatible. Like I said we are going riding tomorrow, and both bikes have almost full tanks but I don't have any in my spare cans or any oil left to mix. I want to switch to Motul 800, but I'm not going to dump two full tanks to do it.


Mar 7, 2001
Originally posted by marcusgunby
I would be careful mixing motul oils-drain down the tank when swapping to a different brand.

I understand that but does anyone know? If no one can tell me for sure they are compatible I will just stick with HP2 for now.


Jan 9, 2000
We had a bike sieze once just after swapping to motul 800T.I tried mixing the motul with the other sythetic oil(cant remember which brand) and it caused precipitation(gloopy mess).I run 800T and its a very good oil but dont try mixing it with other oils just in case.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I think I have read that the Motul oils have very high flash points. I think that would mean one needs to be the type of rider that is always on the pipe hard for it to burn efficiently. Maybe do a search on Motul 800.
Mixing any kind of oil or grease is not a good idea in any instance.


Jan 17, 2001
If you want to prevent spooge.

Run Maxima Super M at 32:1. Simple. Works for me.
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