Hello everyone. A couple of months ago I got my son a 2000 CR80. Bike runs good but my son is 10 years old and the bike is too tall for him. He loves riding the bike, he just hates stopping! Because someone has to catch him so he won't tip over or he has to jump off at the last second. I have the forks all the way up in the triple clamps. But my problem is that I have tried to adjust the shock to get the bike to sit lower and no matter what I do it just stays way too high. I forgot the name, but the rings on the shock body are about 80% down and I have not noticed any difference in height after lowering them. I rebuilt the linkage (bearings were really bad and I replaced everything with motion pro bearings) but still the seat is high. The shock is fully functional and will go through the stroke completely. It just stays way too high. The bike even looks funny because the rear is too high. What am I doing wrong? I was thinking that maybe the linkage has been changed by previous owner. Is there a way to tell original from aftermarket? Does aftermarket even exist for this bike? Can I get two shorter (or longer?) links on the assembly to get the bike down? Anyway I would like to hear from you on this.