2000 kx125 kick starter slipping, and bike stuck in mud....


Apr 26, 2008
Hi all,
I had a question about a kx. as the title states, the kick starter is slipping. what I mean by slipping, is that some times, when you kick it, the kick starter goes all the way through without engaging the engine. it most often occurs when the bike is cold, the first start of the day. it usually occurs when you try to kick it hard and fast, but if you kick it slow and smooth, it will usually catch and cycle the engine. I am in the process of tearing it apart, and have the right side cover off. I was wondering what to look at, and what the failure point was that would cause this, as well as what I should replace? on another note, my friend (at least at that point.... just kidding) rode my bike into a bog. it was mud/water, went up to the handlebars in front, but the air filter wasnt very close to the water (think ass end up....) anyways, we are tearing it down and checking/ changing anything we can think of, but what should we look for/check? thanks, Jim Dager
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