
Dec 3, 2008
I recently bought a 2001 YZ250. After riding it at a track for the first time, I noticed the forks were botoming out while preloading on jumps, and some hard landings. Also I blew a fork seal at some point towards the end of the day. Other than botoming out to much, it felt pretty good. I don't know too much about suspension set-ups but while replacing the seals I noticed the rebound was set at 9 clicks out and the compression was set at 19 clicks out. From what I can tell from researching, they shouldn't be that far apart, right?
I weigh about 170lbs with out gear and ride mostely on mx tracks. As far as I know the suspension is stock. Any recomendations on the settings for the comp and rebound? Any other recomendations for the set up?
Thanks in advance for any advice!


Jan 15, 2008
your compression should be more around 10 clicks out and maybe run your rebound at 12 out and go from there. Are you sure it's bottoming out? is the ring from your dust seal almost touching the fork lug? if it is. you might want to see what weight spring you have in there. you could also go to a heavier weight oil in the outer tube and add more oil than what is in there.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
There is a general rule of thumb for clicker adjustments? You need to adjust them back to stock for a baseline. You need the proper and exact amount of oil back in to start! Double check the proper springs are installed, should be marks on top of the spring. And, how do you know the valving is stock? All the wear items are still within spec? Your back shock could be in the same boat as your forks, or worse. If the rear shock is too stiff, it will adversely effect the forks. Where is your sag set?


May 3, 2002
So did you replace the fork seals? How much oil did you put in the fork? What weight?

The 10 comp/12 rebound is a good starting point on those forks. Compression is at the bottom, rebound on top.

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