
Nov 14, 2005
So, i had read all mods for this bike, but now we are going 2005.

I'm dreaming that my powerband should be much wider. Especially i want it would have mid-to-top power. Which V-force fits best? Why not buy just the right v-force cage, which is meant to 2002 cr? And which is better, Delta 2 or Delta 3?



Jun 21, 2000
I had a 2000 CR125 and bought a few hop ups for it: like v-force, pipe, silencer and big bore kit. The only mod worth the money was the big bore kit from Eric Gorr. What is surprising is the big bore kit was no more expensive than any other bolt on gadget. All the other mods only switch the power around; like v-force gives you more response down low but less midrange hit, a different pipe will shift the powerband higher or lower. The big bore will give you more power, no trade-off.


Nov 21, 2002
Hey, i had the 2002 cr125. The bike was great expect for the motor, i did alota of work to it and it was just barley keeping up with the yz's and ktms. If your just riding for fun i would say sell your bike and buy a cr250, you will have less matinence and more fun. But for racing if a 4 stroke if out of reach like it is for me. Your best best would be to save the 500 bucks you would spend on hop ups and sell your cr. With the way 125 2 stroke r selling you can pick yourself up a 03 yz125 for around 2100, 2200. just a thought


Nov 14, 2005
thanks for good advices. This is definitely best forum, which has much more information of motocross-bikes than others forums. And here in Finland, people don't know anything about motocross bikes. There's some guys who knows what they are doing on bike, example Ari Skog(mades suspension on bikes). so on...

but eh... I don't drive just for fun, i'm racing. I just bought this bike, and i was thinkin of buying yz, about 2002 or 2003. But i'm a Honda driver, sorry :fft: but i will think about it. Is there such good as honda has suspension & handling? But motor is much more better?

I would be glad, if the bike has wider powerband and mid-to-top powerband in future. I don't need more power, yet.

What will be the affect if I install a 7mm spacer on powervalve? Does the power move to lower?



Sep 3, 2001
regarding your question about suspension and handling on the other 125s being as good, I can't say i've ridden all the latest models, but i've found the Hondas hard to beat in these categories, and at least some of the magazine tests agree as well. Just depends what your priorities are. If you are happy with your bike and don't want to buy a different one, I don't recommend test rides on other bikes.


Jan 7, 2003
Steve125 wrote an excellent post on the 2002 CR125. Do a search by user and it shouldn't be hard to find. All your questions can be answered. Good luck.

EDIT: Click Here for one of them.
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