This bike is owned by my friend. He just retired it and bought his son a 2005 CR 85. The new engine is quite a bit nicer than the 02 bike. The new cylinder offers a bit of low end. Shocking on the 80...but on to the real question.
His wife has decided she would like to ride. I wonder just what coudl be done to turn this into a trail type engine? We can probably sneak 500.00 towards thsi project. I dont care if we take 5 hp from the top end. The top end power just will not be necessary. Low end has to improve for her to have a chance to ride this machine.
Do the big bore kits offer improved low end performance on this bike? I am curious as to how you guys might attack this project.
I would liek to hear any deas on this. Thank you in advance!
His wife has decided she would like to ride. I wonder just what coudl be done to turn this into a trail type engine? We can probably sneak 500.00 towards thsi project. I dont care if we take 5 hp from the top end. The top end power just will not be necessary. Low end has to improve for her to have a chance to ride this machine.
Do the big bore kits offer improved low end performance on this bike? I am curious as to how you guys might attack this project.
I would liek to hear any deas on this. Thank you in advance!