2003 RM250: Which Michelins should I get?


Nov 30, 2003
I have a 2003 RM250 and need to replace the front and rear tires. I will be sticking with Michelins. I had a MH-3 on my 1993 RM-250, the tire lasted and did well for me, but this was my "getting back into the sport" bike.

But for my 2003, I am looking for performance over longevity. I am in southern Maryland. The soil on our club track is mostly clay with some pebbles. It is somewhat loamy if overcast and a bit moist out, but gets very hard packed in spots if it's sunny and dry. We also ride at a local track where the soil is very loamy.

I am 38, 5'10", 205, and consider myself and aggressive rider. (my age and knowing I have to work on mondays keeps me from getting too aggressive)

I have been leaning towards the M-12's. Any thoughts, suggestions and opinions would be great.

Thanks, Steve.


I ran S12's on my 01 250MXC and liked them fine. I'm running the StarCross on the YZ250 now and they rock. Then again, compared to 739's, anything rocks! ;)

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