pokemanyz said:
1.How do you install#9 without turning #7 & #21?
(that seems to be causing an issue)
2.If #11 & #12 were reversed would that likely cause dropped shifts, popping out of gear?
2004 RM 250 :ride:
IndyMX said:I would tighten that bolt with the transmission in first gear.. Then the shift drum should not move.
As for the pawls being installed wrong, yes that could cause the trans to come out of gear.
whenfoxforks-ruled said:Its usually not a lot of torque on the bolt, blue loctite and a lock washer?.
whenfoxforks-ruled said:Shift fork #3? It does appear its depicted wrong, but the fork will engage the drum only 1 way. Is the trans properly timed; are the shift shaft, shift star and drum all set in neutral? And is #11 installed the correct way? Then that leaves 20/20a to be installed correctly? The shift lever to high, is sort of possible?