250-2stroke allowed to race the 250f?

Dec 31, 2008
I heard about them allowing 250 2 strokes to race 250 4 strokes in amatuers right? or is it going to apply to the pros as well? when is it going into affect? do you think you will see a sudden jump and all of a sudden all the guys on 2 strokes again? I still think most guys are going to stay on the 250f's. It will be interesting to see.


Jan 12, 2009
o wow i didnt hear about that do you have a url or anything where we can check it out?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
That has been the rule in AMA Am racing since the start of the 08 season. It was proposed for the Outdoor Nationals this season but was put on hold as all involved felt they needed more time to fight the lead ban and to make sure that the 2 stroke is officially dead before agreeing to this change. The second part may be an observation on my part more than the actual press release :laugh:


Oct 7, 2008
I can't get the link to work...


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
some people will do anything for an unfair advantage
Dec 7, 2008
that is fair it is still a 250cc bike if it is so unfair why dont all riders start racing 250 2 strokes then there will not be a advantage
they have a choice they can get a 250 2 stroke if they want or a 250f


Apr 4, 2009
If both bikes are allowed then wouldn't it be to your advantage to ride the one with better performance? I don't see it as an unfair advantage. I see it as smart.


Apr 4, 2009
On equal displacement motors, one makes its power every time the piston comes up, the other makes its power every other time the piston comes up. Simple math, i'll take the 2 stroke. :)

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
CReighty said:
On equal displacement motors, one makes its power every time the piston comes up, the other makes its power every other time the piston comes up. Simple math, i'll take the 2 stroke. :)

You didn't say MORE power, you said BETTER power. If the idea is to get around a race track in the least amount of time, more power at the expense of the quality of the power is rarely the answer. That might explain the reluctance of some to ride certain bikes even if they are allowed by the rules. ;)


Jan 27, 2000
CReighty said:
On equal displacement motors, one makes its power every time the piston comes up, the other makes its power every other time the piston comes up. Simple math, i'll take the 2 stroke. :)

:whoa: Darn. I thought it was every time the piston goes down. :ohmy: I'm gonna have to rethink this whole thing. :coocoo:

CReighty. It's all about getting the power to the ground. If it was all about horsepower, everyone would be riding CR500's.

The fourstrokes hook up better than two strokes. Always have. The problem in the past has been weight and suspension. Now, the fourstrokes weigh the same and have the same suspension and they still hook up better. Has nothing to do with math. ;)


Oct 7, 2008
Four strokes do hook up better but.... in deep loamy soil and long streaght aways and tracks with good traction that extra 10 horse power and 10flbs more torque I'd say the twostroke has a nice advantage.
The problem is that not vary many people know how to use a 2T properly (including me) and so they can get better lap times on the 4 stroke.
Dec 31, 2008
im a 2 stroke guy myself, ideally i would like to have both bikes. but i still see the 4 stroke having an advantage. even if it was 450 4 stroke and 500 2 stroke racing. for non pros, or the non rich, i see a 2 stroke having the advantage for the normal guy that likes to ride track for fun. $5000 for a dirtbike is crazy! I still dont even have a bike because i havnt been able to save up the $2000 for a decent used 2 stroke


Feb 21, 2005

Ah... the heck with saving and the heck with used... finance brand new! Get a brand new Kawi for $69 a month, lol. :laugh: :nener: :p


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
A 250f will get smoked by the smoker, if a thing like equal riders is doable. OUTDOORS! Indoors I would take the f. You learn throttle control, and the 265 would be death for sure. BUT, who the heck is going to sponsor a guy on a 2 stroke?


May 10, 2007
Kawi4life said:
Ah... the heck with saving and the heck with used... finance brand new! Get a brand new Kawi for $69 a month, lol. :laugh: :nener: :p
Yeah, Yamaha did the $39 deal about 10 years ago. A guy I knew bought an R1. He said it was on the $39 dollar a month plan. That would be INSANE!! :coocoo: I guess the balance on the Yamaha card was going up because the 39 didn't even the interest. After the 2 year promotional period he had a bike that depreciated several thousand dollars and a balance on his card that was quite a bit more than he paid for the bike.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
The 7000 dollar bike ended up costing 13000, and now its paid off, is worth 3500?


May 10, 2007
That's all the guys who bought a 450 on the Yammie card. The R1 is over 10k. That's ALOT of monthly intrerest, lol.


Feb 21, 2005
My 04 kawi 250 on the kawi card at 3.99% APR with the $39 a month for 24 month plan wasn't bad at all. When I finance I try to go for the lowest monthly payment (with the lowest interest of course) becuase I'm a seasonal construction worker and do it just for the breathing room in the few winter months I don't work so if I want to skate by with a tiny payment I can - you're always free to pay whatever amount you want.

Looking at the statements of my 04 KX250 I was only paying $14.59 a month in interest... so take it at 48 months that's $700.32 in interest. Bike cost me $5100.00 out the door so I paid in the end with interest around $5800 which isn't bad at all for a brand spanking new 250 with financing and paying interest (which came out to around the normal retail price of the bike in the end).

You gotta get the long term low interest IMO... If you do that six months no payments thing then it's like 21% (or more) in interest after the six month promotional plan which will eat you alive if you make minimums, lol. Then you have the problem with the $7000 bike costing 13 grand in the end making minimums, heh.

I'll be honest with you, out of any credit card purchases I've made (be it a bike card or regular credit card), the Kawi card was by far the most fair on killing you with interest and how it was applied - better than any bank loan when you consider how low the payment was. I got a 03 Yamaha Raptor on the 6 month no payment/0% plan and after the 6 months the interest killed you - it was well over 20%. I quickly sold it and paid it off in full (luckily - I didn't like the quad anyway).

Just be careful on what plan you go with and most important is go with the lowest long term interest plan... Me and a friend both had a bad experience with the Yamaha financing but the Kawasaki financing has been more than fair, especially for a credit card. I never plan on borrowing money in good faith and not paying a little back extra (interest) for the service, so I can't complain at all with the deal and financing I've gotten in the past through Kawasaki. Will continue to do business with them and their financing service. :nod:
Last edited:


May 10, 2007
Wow, 3.99% is pretty good. I believe my Honda card was 8.99.


Feb 21, 2005
_JOE_ said:
Wow, 3.99% is pretty good. I believe my Honda card was 8.99.

8.99% still isn't bad IMO and still on the fair/reasonable side. The current Kawasaki promotion is 7.99%....(which is what I got on my current bike - I actually tried calling Kawasaki financing to get the same plan as my old bike but to no avail but at $5525 out the door for a brand new KX450 I wasn't going to pass the bike by over a few % interest). The Yamaha card with 21% or so was bad, lol. I'd have to dig out the the statements for it, but it was whatever the highest was allowed by law, lol. :yikes:
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