250F Airboot.........

Apr 19, 2001
Just wanted to drop a line to all 250f pilots to check clamps on airboot regularly, mine has come off twice on the motor side of carb. Has anybody else had this happen?:(


Sponsoring Member
Sep 5, 2000
Helpful thread. My 426 had a leak at this juncture. While it didn't come off, it DID tweak to one side. Apparently, to me at least, I had over-tightened the clamp and squeezed that boot off to one side and had an air leak. Obviously, my carburation went to junk...lots of popping and didn't want to rev. I reccomend that detailed attention be paid to this juncture. Using Yamabond applied strategically with a toothpick in this area will reap huge rewards. Wait at least 24 hours before use.
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