250's: CR vs. YZ vs. SX, POST-Port job . . .


Sep 29, 2004
We'll put this in the confines of MX riding, just for kicks.

Is the YZ still that much better than the CR after, say, and Eric Gorr "Mo Better Everywhere" port job to better distribute the powerband? If you had the "Mo Better" on both, which one rides better, or is it too close to call?

Also wondering how the KTM 250 SX stacks up to either of them for MX work once the suspension's sorted out. That's a bit of an aside, but I never really hear much about the SX and how it is on the tracks comparatively speaking.

But keeping with the CR and YZ . . . It seems like there are a lot of Honda folk happy with their CR's. The ONLY complaint I've read about them is the rather unpleasant bottom-end; handling is supposed to be good, the aluminum frame went from good in '00 to great in '02, the engine's the most powerful motocross engine that's not a KTM, and the suspension gets verbally gratified by the reviews I've read annually. However, the YZ seems to be a great bike with marginally lower marks on suspension, and occasionally the handling depending on the writer, but high praise for the great engine. And one guy I talked to had a beef with the plastic on the CR not covering the frame; doesn't seem like too huge of a deal, but that's the hair-splitting that seems to occur when talking about these bikes. Given that the two bikes seem to be so close in terms of performance, and a port job isn't really all that much, I don't see why you couldn't just get a great deal on a left-over or slightly-used CR250, get a port job (and maybe an overbore if you're so inclined) and have a bike that's equally as good as a YZ250 for all intents and purposes. Is that entirely inaccurate?



Oct 19, 2000
Thats a good plan really. If i was stuck on the CR250, I would have Eric port it for more low mid power. Some here on DRN have done just that, and have been very pleased with the results. From what I understand Eric has a real good spec for this engine. :cool:


May 17, 2004
I've ridden an Eric Gorr ported motor and they are super strong....So strong it can wear you out!

I came away very impressed.....The CR handles good and porting really helps fill in the lower seam of the powerband.
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