5 days and counting!!


Jan 17, 2001
That is, 5 days until my 'official' due date!! And, yes, I am SO READY to have this child and get back to some level of 'normalcy'. While this has been a very good experience (so far-but dont ask after the labor) I am ready to get back on my bicycle and GasGas!! Bob is constantly making motorcycle noises and reminding me when the first race at Wardy's is...and that I need to get exercising right away!

And, of course the 'non motorcycle' people we know are all convinced that I will miraculously be 'cured' of my desire to ride after the baby is born! ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR STINKING MINDS?? If anything, I am more determined than ever to get back on the bike---even more so than last year with my knee injury!!

Anyhow, I am going to the doc on Saturday for him to try to 'entice' little JJ to join the world---we will keep you posted!


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Keep us posted Anne. Or better yet, have Bob post some thing when he gets home from the big day. I want to pass on a suggestion. Have a video camera set up on a tripod behind your head. Turn it on as the head comes out. Theres plenty time to do this. It wont show any of your privates, and it makes for a great memory. If ya dont like it later, destroy it. We did our third and wish we did the other kids.

Good Luck, bring us some happy news soon.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Wahoo, Anne :) Hmmm, anyone know if they do a CD of dirtbike noises? I know there's cars & roadbikes, but db's would be better - get little JJ used to going to sleep once the sound starts ;)

Definitely get Bob to let us know how it goes & we'll be thinkiing of you & hoping all goes well.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Awesome Anne!!!! How exciting! So you really believe things are gonna get back to normal after having baby JJ? Oh you might be in for a surprise LOL! The sleepless nights and searching for a babysitter and constant washing of towels and blankets and all the fun stuff that comes with the lil bundle of joy. :)

Really.... we're really happy for you guys and hope baby and Mom have a fast and healthy delivery. And that you can make that first race at FVOR, of course ;)


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Wow, is it that time already? :eek:
Time flies, eh? But probably been dragging out for you!

Good luck--hope everything goes well (and quickly!). Keep us posted.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Wow good luck. I really like babies . . . as long as they're someone else's . . .

Post pics as soon as you can!
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