That is, 5 days until my 'official' due date!! And, yes, I am SO READY to have this child and get back to some level of 'normalcy'. While this has been a very good experience (so far-but dont ask after the labor) I am ready to get back on my bicycle and GasGas!! Bob is constantly making motorcycle noises and reminding me when the first race at Wardy's is...and that I need to get exercising right away!
And, of course the 'non motorcycle' people we know are all convinced that I will miraculously be 'cured' of my desire to ride after the baby is born! ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR STINKING MINDS?? If anything, I am more determined than ever to get back on the bike---even more so than last year with my knee injury!!
Anyhow, I am going to the doc on Saturday for him to try to 'entice' little JJ to join the world---we will keep you posted!