73 CZ Question


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Does anybody know what the brake pedal stop looks like on a 73 CZ? I've got mangled piece of metal that looks like it had a bolt through it at one time. I got a bolt to thread into it but the whole thing is so crooked that it doesn't hit the backside of the brake pedal.

Also, does anybody know of a hot setup to keep the rear brake rod from hitting the shock springs? I put on a new set of works performance and the springs are bigger in diameter and the shocks are upside down as well. This causes the brake arm to contact the spring when the brake is applied (where it used to swerve aroung the shock body). You'll only know what I'm talking about if you own a CZ. I tried rotating the brake actuator arm all different ways, but I ran out of beer before I came up with anything better.

And while I'm asking; I heard that the old dual plug, dual coil ignition is not necessary. Which plug would I use if just using one? Do I simply remove the unused coil or do I need to re-wire something? I think CZ Bob or somebody tied to 'splain me it but I got lost along the way and just kept shaking my head yes. It was a telephone conversation so he was unaware of my “deer in the headlights” expression. Or maybe it was Charlie Richardson, that guy is really helpful if you need any CZ parts or advice. I would call him but my speech is a little slurred right now. Not that I'm hammetred or anything.

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Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
Wes, how about a bit more detail like dispalcement, twin.single pipe, etc.

I'm not real CZ literate, but I can pass it on and maybe find out.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
It's a 380, sometimes called a 400. But all the CZ MXers were pretty much the same, except for displacement...I theeen so anyway. Maybe the dual plug, dual coil setup is only on the 380.


Nov 17, 2001
Here are some pictures of the brake stop bolt and the rod you should have ordered from Charlie when you had him on the phone. It's stainless and fits around my WP shocks on the same bike.. My brake stop was also tore up but I just patched it back togeather before coating.



Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Thanks for the tip motoxracer. I checked out your web page and I gotta say that CZ of your's sure has come a long way. Nice job! Did you also get the brake stay/chain tensioner from Charlie?
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