I picked up an old '79 Honda XL75 for my daughter to learn to ride on. The bike has been stripped of it's street legal attire (lights/battery) and been turned completely over to just a dirtbike. It is old and ugly but it isn't a bike I will have to worry about while she is learning to ride. However, I want the bike to be safe for her which brings me to what concerns me.
The suspension, front and rear, is as soft as butter on a hot summer day. The rear springs are already at their maximum adjustment and the shocks appear to have little, if any, affect on the suspension. I have no clue on what I can do for the forks as they feel the same as the rear.
Does anyone know what I can do to get them up to spec? Where I can get replacement parts (springs/shocks/upgrades) for the forks and rear shocks as bikebandit.com lists a lot of parts unavailable?
Thanks for any help you can provide.