92KDX200 woes Help needed please.


Jun 6, 2005
My Daughter's boyfriend just bought his first bike, with no knowlede and not enough money bought a 92 KDX200.

He is learning the hard way and so am I as I am now the one responsible for making this abused bike go again.

So the story goes like this...
Pat(well we will call him that) who has never ridden a dirtbike in his life before arrives to look at a bike thats in his bugdet. The guy tells him that he lost the kick starter yesterday while out on a ride but it will push start and just get a new kicker and" it will be right mate" and knocks off $100 off the price.

He rings me after going out for his first ride, tells me that the bike was going but was a bit slugish and now won't go. Can he bring it to me to check out and help fix it.

I say yeah sure but remember I am a cabinetmaker not a mechanic.

So pat arrives with the bike and it's a sorry looking bike. wrong bolts, missing screws etc you have heard this sad story before.
Pat tells me he picked a kickstarter on the way with a naieve smile.

Ok so the bike won't start kicked or pushed.

I do thye obvious, new sparkplug, air filter clean, check the spark. All this checks out and so I pull off the carby and clean it. There was a little bit of junk in it but seemed ok.

I need to know how far to screw in what I think is the main seat? jet? I took it out to clean it and forgot to check its original position. the manual doesn't help as it shows a different carby and only the update specs in the appendix at the bak of the book not how it all goes together and its proper adjustemnt
Thats the first problem. Please help.

Ok still no go. I inspect the reed valve looks ok.

Ok off with the head and oh brother what a mess. The pins on the tops of all the power valves(kips) are broken off and grinding the locating holes into a loveley oval shape.
I pull it off and the teeth are all stripped on the valves and they are also broken in half. Going a little further when I take off the cylinder the main exhuast valve pinon is missing. This is definatley a seized up kips which I see on the forum that many others have expirienced.

Piston and ring and barrel look ok. I have installed a new head, new kips powervalves etc, I put it all back together and assume that the main exhaust valve is closed when the valve operating rod is all the way in towards the resonator as the manual doesen't tell me how this is setup it just talks about the lefthand and right hand valve and the idle valve..

I also thought to adjust the carby to factory specs. I put the main throttle needle surclip from the 2nd slot to the 4th slot from the top of the needle. but I do not know if

It's all together now. I kick it and it goes to full revs instanly with no throttle adjustment. What does this mean? What do I do apart from a gallon of petrol and a lighter? :)


PS. The moral of this story is never buy a bike you can't kick the first or second kick let alone one without a kicker.


Aug 12, 2004
Try the link here to see if you find any help. Clicky Clicky Basic two stroke knowledge tells us that a 2 stroke motor will rev out of control in a very lean condition. So if the carb is filled with gas, as soon as you kick it starts to empty the float bowl, if it does not start to refill the float bowl, this will result in a lean condition causing the motor to rev out of control. The same thing will happen to a 2 stroke motor that is ideling and runs the tank out of gas. It will first rev out of control then die. I would check the position of your float and also make sure the carb is getting a steady supply of fuel.


May 17, 2003
Is there crud (that's a technical term) in the tank blocking the fuel flow? Pull the fuel line off of the carb and see if it flows freely. Start with the air screw (on the carb) 1 1/2 turns out from all the way in. Be careful: that screw should just barely touch bottom. You'll ruin it if you cinch it down before you start to back it out. Next check to see if your needle and seat assembly is sticking or partially blocked. Next set your float level. How do the reeds look? Is it a fresh tank of premix (fuel, or as you might say, petrol), or is it ancient and stale? After you check all of these things if it's not fixed then it's time to spend some time looking for a vacuum leak (intake manifold, cylinder base gasket, reed block gasket, head gasket, etc.) If all of that fails then it's time for a leak down test. Let us know...
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