
Jun 12, 2000
This was predicted in a previous thread. With more money being allocated to local agencies for fines, it'll likely be enforced with more resources too.

News Release
For energy efficient recreation -California
State Parks on the Internet:
September 19, 2002 (916) 651-8750
Gov. Gray Davis Signs OHV Reform
Supported by Off-Roaders, Environmentalists

SACRAMENTO - Governor Gray Davis has signed legislation that will secure appropriate
places for off-highway vehicle (OHV) users to ride, while providing better protection for the
"This is an important measure that will protect the interests of off-road enthusiasts, while
protecting the interests of California's environment," Governor Davis said.
The legislation, AB 2274, by Assembly Speaker pro tem Fred Keeley (D-Boulder Creek)
and Assemblymen Mark Wyland (R-Del Mar), drew bipartisan support in the Legislature, and
won the support of both environmental organizations and off-road recreation groups. AB 2274
represents the most sweeping reform of California’s off-highway vehicle program in its 30-year
The new law will require that a portion of gas taxes paid by owners of non-registered off-highway
vehicles be earmarked for conservation, restoration of lands damaged by off-road use
and law enforcement. It also increases funding for local law enforcement by directing 100
percent of off-highway vehicle fines and forfeitures to the county/city of origin rather than the
current even split between the state and county/city of origin.
The legislation also initiates a comprehensive strategic planning process to improve the
chances for acquisition and development of OHV recreation areas. It calls for a number of
objective studies to better understand trends in off-road vehicle recreation and the need for
development of urban, off-road sport complexes that could maximize use of already developed
areas while providing youth a closer-to-home OHV experience.
AB 2274 also brings California’s off-road noise emissions levels down from one of the worst
in the nation to one of the best, reducing the maximum decibel level standard from 101 db to 96


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Shoot man - Michigan has the 94db law in effect! Plus some of these freakin DNR guys will actually take your machine on the impound truck if they happen to have had a bad day!!! I thoughtyou guys in CA had it rough - sounds to me like I ought to move out there!! By the way, Utah and Montana are still "open" states - I saw a belt buckle last year in Montana that said "Montana - what Amercia used to be" - GREAT definition!
Actually I understand the need for quieter bikes. I just wish they (the authorities) would use a little common sense in law enforcement!


Nov 23, 2001
I think the stock KTM muffler may be close. There is a European supplier that makes a really quiet ZZXXX pipe. It can be done. I just hope our local manufacturers take the challenge seriously. I have 2 White Brothers Pipes. I have the quiet core in my XR416 and not in the XR300. They are about the same. Probably not anywhere near 96 db though.

I would really like to hear what White Brothers, FMF and the rest of the gang plan to do.

Speak up if you are out there!

Chopair (in California)


Jun 12, 2000
I would really like to hear what White Brothers, FMF and the rest of the gang plan to do.

Well, one perspective is that they're ecstatic; they'll be selling us new pipes. Nothing like new regulation that creates demand for product replacement. :think:


Mar 19, 2000
We had a lot of discussion here and on other forums about noise, many people posted they would continue to buy loud pipes, because of that attitude, this has now been legislated upon us. If we properly police ourselves, we usually get left alone, if we continue to agitate non-riders, then the legislators step in and often force us into a worse situation then if we were responsible in the first place.

I hope we all learn from this, quiet down your bikes!!! be responsible trail users, and most importantly...

JOIN THE BLUE RIBBON COALITION!!!!! this is just the beginning of the big fight to keep riding areas.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
I don't live in CA, but I'm all for quieter exhaust. Noise emission is one more tool the GAGs (Green Advocacy Groups) can use to shut us out of legal riding areas.

We have done a piss poor job policing ourselves in this matter. We'll spend hundreds of dollars on aftermarket exhaust systems that shave of 5 lbs., squeak out 2 hp., but emit 20 or more db's. The aftermarket companies know this is what the consumer wants and they continue to produce these systems.

It's my understanding that the aftermarket companies are coming out with quieter systems. Unfortunately they still produce those loud "racing" exhaust systems. There's nothing to stop Joe Trailrider from buying one of those obnoxiously loud systems just to sound cool to his trail riding buddies. Now the government has to step in with new legislation. We brought this upon ourselves.

IMO, we should support this legislation in an effort to show the general non-riding public (those the GAGs try to sway to their side with lies and propaganda) that we truly do care about the environment.

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