Henk, I got to ride a GG250EC a while back and thought it one of the best enduro bikes I had ever ridden, when I saw the new EC300, I wanted it badly. However, I am a spode, ride only for fun, and could not justify the additional expense. When I saw the 02 P250, I knew I had to have one, luckily at the time the P280 had just been released, so I ordered that instead. We have a lot of sand here at our local riding spot, and will let you know how the thing handles. This bike looks like a real dirt bike, unlike the Pampera of old, hopefully the new forks and head angle will provide me with a much safer ride. I think your buddy Bruce will like this one (Michelle too !) - Have you got the new bike yet, or is it in the pipeline ?!
I think this baby has just replced the TTR125 as the ultimate play bike :)