Your neighbor should have to pay you, for what happend. Although it will be hard to prove it was her dog (if there are any other dogs in the area):mad: . I would find out if there is a leash law in your area, if you don't know for sure. I wouldn't wait to long to confront her about this. But go about it in a very polite civilized manner:D . You might ask neighbors if they have had problems with here dog as well. And if they have, mabey you and the other neighbors who have had trouble (with the dog), could go over and confront her about it. In a nice way of couse:cool: . Remember you will have to deal with her, until one of you moves:) . And if that doesn't work. Set the dog up, and leave your CP out (the chewed up one) and take pictures or footage of the dog in the act. To prove it was hers. And if that doesn't work. Go pee on her tires every morning. Well, better not do that. They might put you in a straight jacket:p. But she should definatly pay for what her dog did.