A Little Computer Help, Please?



I get this message: "Easy Access Software is Missing a Key" (or something very similar to that) about 50% of the time on start-up. I have located the folder, it is a sub-folder in the "Programs" folder. Only problem is, I don't know what to do with it. I know this has to be simple, and it doesn't seem to affect anything when using the computer, it's just mildly annoying.

Also, while I have your attention, :D and this may or may not be related, whenever I click "Send" on an Email message from Outlook Express, I get this pop-up: "Spellcheck on this item has been halted. Do you want to send anyway?" I click "No", then click "Send" again and it spellchecks it like it should have the first time. Any ideas on this one?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
how did you figure out that the "Key" thing was related to the sub-folder?

As for Outlook you could try turning the spell check off, closing the program, then open it again, and turn it back on.


I'll try that with the spellcheck. As for the Easy Access thing, I just did a search for folders with that name to see if anything came up. Found that folder. I guess the problem doesn't have to be in that area. Keep in mind, I can cause a fatal error just by walking near my computers...
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