
Apr 15, 2003
What's up all!

I thought I'd post up and see if anyone would be intrested in planning a good weekend trip for our three dayer Labor day weekend coming up or if anyone has already done so. This would be a good opportunity for us western Cascaderz to do a trip to meet our fellow brethren of the Eastern Siderz and do some good riden! I'm hoping to hit up some Rocky mountain rides before winter settles in and I stable my iron steed for the floating powder board. If you want to plan a fun camping trip, 2 dayer, 3 dayer, etc for our beloved Labor day weekend let me know. I'd like to ride something completely different, stage out of an area near a river for some before and after fishing/swimming and preferably somewhere we can ride out of from camp. All you easternerz speak up, it's time for you guys to show us your neck of the woods.

Talk soon!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Actually we Westsiders were thinking of heading the opposite direction, or maybe to Idaho--everything around here is closed for fire danger. Not sure on the Cascades, but around Spokane and north it is closed. Now if we get more rain that could change but as of now it's all off limits.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'd like to submit Taneum as a possibility--right now it is reportedly still open, and none of the other Westside areas that ARE open are worth a 3-day weekend trip. Mad River is closed, Tahuya is definitely not worth 3 days of riding, and I refuse to go to Reiter. Gifford Pinchot is too long a drive for us east-siders, so that leaves Taneum as the best option.

Or, I hear that Wallace and other areas in Idaho are open.

Shall I call a vote, or are there any other submissions?


Apr 15, 2003
Tanem is kind of a 1/3 for us 2/3 for you easternerz drive so that's an ideal spot however we need some rain. I'm trying to rally up the troops for the up and coming 3 dayer. It all depends on whither or not I can get the southern Washington /Northern Oregon guys to come up this way. They've been talking about it all summer but no show, just as a few of you from Eastern, WA have done the same.(Firecracker, Guyzer)

Dirtchic's got a good crew going to GP for labor day and if the southernerz come up then that's a good spot to go too. However, if the southernz don't raise up then Tanem would be a good spot for us Westernerz/Easternz. Confused yet. lol

In either case it better be near some rivers, I want some nice fishing holes to hit up after the ride's.

I say we all head for Montana. "Things are just bigger up here in Montana" ;)


Aug 13, 1999
Okay, I'll admit it, I am a pansy!!! Went out for a scoot with the boy & his friend this weekend on Mica and it was TERRIBLE!!! Hot, dry dusty and it didn't help that the kid lost the clip on the master link on the way home.

I made the emergency run back to the house to find a link for his chain, luckily we had one, thanks to Karl. THAT was the only fun riding I did since I was by myself and not sucking dust.

So, we are thinking a lake is the place to be.


Apr 15, 2003


I just did a milage calculator on a software program I've got and from Strawberry lake in the Gifford Pinchot forest its 386 miles from Spokanne to GP.(7 hours 16 min.)

Now from Us to Let's say Northern Idaho, Clark Fork, Sandpoint area it's 396 miles (6 hours and 59 min).

So it looks like its going to be the same amount of distance for either route.


Apr 15, 2003
Sorry, I don't use mapquest, it's crap! I have Microsoft streets & trips 2003 and it has everything in detail, including backroads, USFS, parks, you name it, its got it.

So PFFFFFFFFT to you ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, if I plan on going to DW, I can't afford a big long weekend trip. Seattle and back is 3 tanks of gas, so that would be at least 4 or 5 to GP, and that's $100 or so just in gas, plus food, etc . . . not sure it's a good idea.

BTW it wouldn't be Clark Fork or Sandpoint, it'd be Wallace or Kellogg.


Apr 15, 2003
Yeah I just took a guess about the location by looking at the green area's that represent forests on my software program. I figured either up there or to the east a bit. If I can get any of these jibronee's from the east to ride with me and split the bill for gas then I'd be more than happy to travel to Idaho. Problem is, most of these guys can't get away from their ball and chain for overnighters.


May 17, 2001
It looks like I'll only be able to ride on Sunday. I also got news that the Mad River area is back open to motorcycles. I don't know if that'll make anyone want to go there instead, but I know I would.



Apr 15, 2003

If your up for a bit of a drive we can go to Idaho and meet this guy named Guyzer & maybe cracker, or we can go to GP and meet Dirtchic and her crew, or you, DC1 and I and whoever else can head over to Tanem or Mad river. Lot's of options and lots of invites, it just depends on how far everyone wants to drive.


May 17, 2001
Josh, going to Idaho isn't going to work for me. I have to work on saturday, and then I have a family get together monday evening. It'd have to be a day trip for me.



Apr 15, 2003
OK...I also had listed two other options sooooo, maybe mad river or GP, guess it all depends on the weather but mad river sounds real nice!


Apr 15, 2003
Now he wants to go to GP, make up your damn mind man ;) You and Jeff just keep talking this and that about how dusty it is and that it's not worth it, now you think you want to go. ......Just playin' man!

Let me know, gotta get these plans in action, well I'm off, gotta get some sleep for tomorrow's ride. :)



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Went to Idaho yesterday with the KTMtalk crowd--holy hell, what a gnarly ride. They didn't know it would be so bad, since the FS was supposed to have done some trail work.

They are more hiking trails than dirt bike trails. There was not one switchback that was rideable, I don't care how good you are. I've ridden with some extremely talented--AA class riders and seen them bulldog around ones not nearly so ugly as these. The trail was not flat in most places, which shifted your weight downhill, and it was soft, so the trail would give out under you. It was mostly made out of powdery dust with rocks in it--horrible traction. In addition to the switchbacks, there were G-outs with rocks scattered through them, rock piles, stumps right in the trail (when the trail is 6-8" wide this is a problem), and every other obstacle you could think of. Even the fast guys were beat and not having any fun.

However, I did muddle through, thanks to everyone's help, so I really wasn't in too much worse condition than the rest. I won't be going back soon though.


Apr 15, 2003
Sounds a lil like what we rode today with some Reiter mixed in. Glad you had a good time as did we, someday we will hook up and ride! Met Dirtchic and her family, great bunch!

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