Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
A man at a local funeral home called a buddy and requested that he come by. When the buddy went into the "room" he saw a locally famous muscian on the table.
"it's a shaMe to see Stanley Miles dead" he said.
"Yeah", the friend replied, "but you won't believe this!"
He pulled back the sheet to "expose" the man.
"OMG, that would make a porn star jealous!!", the buddy exclaimed!
"Since know one will know, I'm going to remove it and store it in flormaldihide", said the man.

"Can I take it to show my wife?", the buddy asked.
The man replied, "sure, just get it back to me tomorrow."

At home the buddy set the jar containing this enormous body part on the table and summoned his wife.
His wife upon entering the room ans seeing the jar on the table exclaimed loudly, "STANELY MILES IS DEAD!?!?!"
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