ABC's cameramen much better


Nov 25, 2000
Anyone notice that? I would think they have different cameramen than ESPN2 but if not whoever was editing the shots did a lot better job. You could actually see what was going on most of the time instead of seeing a closeup of the leaders helmet or whatever. Now if they would show all the races....


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
It was good but still could be improved. Shooting inside a dome there are so many camera angles that could be used (how about an overhead shot that could include a majority of the track once in awhile)
They did do a good job getting the RC/TP crunch from 3 good angles but then again there was the point where they were talking about watching if the 2 front riders would spread out in the rhythm section but showed the 4th and 5th place riders. I did like that there was an emphasis on showing the real racing where it was occurring (often between 2 thru 4th) instead of the leader all out by himself. Maybe they opted to show the real race since Bubba wasn't here;)

BTW I am pretty sure it is the same camera men that ESPN uses


Feb 10, 2002
Absolutely. ABC does a much better job at camera coverage and we don't have listen to Art Eklin's (sp?) moronic announcing


Nov 10, 2000
Originally posted by enmerdeur
Absolutely. ABC does a much better job at camera coverage and we don't have listen to Art Eklin's (sp?) moronic announcing

I have to disagree with both statements - the camera coverage is about the same - the race was simply better. When the action is up front, it's a bit easier for them to decide where to point the camera. Oh yeah, Art may be senile but at least he doesn't put me to sleep. Man is that guy (Gannon?) boring. :silly:


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
It was probably the same camera crew. Disney owns ABC owns ESPN. It's all about the Mouse, yanno. I did notice that ESPN2 forgot to put the "Bottom Line" onscreen today during the Anaheim 3 tape. My TV screen looked HUGE for the first couple of segments.
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