about getting known amoungst the state


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Ol'89r said:

In the words of the immortal W.C. Fields, "Go away little boy, ya bother me." :laugh:
He needs to do a lot of growing up if he wants to race with real people and not just Jeremy on his PS2


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Ol'89r said:
...I think it was a waste of my time since I'm guessing he can't even read...
Not a waste. Just think about all the lurkers that will read your advice. Thank God not every kid is a bonehead.


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Ol89r and the rest of you guys:

I find your posts very interesting and informative. I applaud your efforts.

It's kind of sad to me, to see this happen week after week. It would be so easy to be cynical and give up....The Internet should allow these little guys/gals to find the higher ground, to borrow the experiences from people like yourselves. A lifetime of dreaming how great they are or want to be will never provide them with the wisdom this tight little community of shared experiences has.

While this was ugly, your words and examples are inspiring to those of us who haven't nor will ever have your experiences. Your desire to help and share, impressive.

Just wanted to say thank-you for caring enough to give back and for your seemingly bottomless desire to keep trying.


One very grateful parent.


Jan 27, 2000
fatcat216 said:
Ol89r and the rest of you guys:

It's kind of sad to me, to see this happen week after week. It would be so easy to be cynical and give up....The Internet should allow these little guys/gals to find the higher ground, to borrow the experiences from people like yourselves. A lifetime of dreaming how great they are or want to be will never provide them with the wisdom this tight little community of shared experiences has.

Just wanted to say thank-you for caring enough to give back and for your seemingly bottomless desire to keep trying.


One very grateful parent.

Thank you fatcat.

The internet is such a huge resource for young people today to learn what it took years for the rest of us to learn. They can come on and ask just about any question and someone will give them a correct answer. People like Rich, SFO, Pete Payne and many others on this site learned the hard way by reading books and trial and error. Many good parts went into the trash can after testing only to find out that didn't work, let's try this. And then this, and then this.

This is why we don't have a lot of patience with kids like cr85re who post a question and then come back 20 minutes later and slam us for not answering fast enough. They want a proper, well thought out answer but can't even take the time to write their posts in a way we can understand them. I saw this one going downhill after his first three posts.

I envy the young people today for having a resource like the internet. They have a huge jump-start on the rest of us as far as learning goes. For some to abuse it the way they do instead of using it to their advantage only proves what losers they really are.

This industry has been very good to me and I will continue to pay forward what I have learned regardless of dweebs like cr85re.

Last night, I spent the evening with about 500 of my best friends and heros at the annual Trailblazers banquet. It was an honor just to be in the same room with people like this who struggled and worked against all odds to become successful in this industry. Racers and industry giants alike. Attending this banquet every year only reinforces the importance of giving back to the sport.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Ol'89r should be flogged for only telling *HALF* the story!

Sure, his suggestions are appropriate for those with skill, desire, and dedication. I think that cr85re would get better results following *MY* sponsorship plan, though.

I paid the $12 to have a custom T-Shirt printed up that boldly proclaimed:
I got this body from Binkey's Doughnuts!
I then wore it to the store and told the owner that I would wear that shirt to all of my races unless he paid all of my entry fees....and gave me a dozen jelly filled on the spot!

Using similar tactics, Honda provided me with a Suzuki to ride.

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