ACL recon.......


Aug 15, 2001
I had my left ACL reconstructed with an allograft, which is a tendon from a cadeavor. The surgery was done 3 weeks ago. I go to physical therapy 3 times a week and slowly the flexion is coming back. I am up to a 120 degree bend now and I walk without the knee immobolizer now. I still have swelling around the knee, which concerns me, but the PT says this is normal.
My doc says 6-9 months before I can get back on my dirt bike :ugg:
Can someone answer these few questions for me:
1. How long does it normally take to get off the pain medicine? I take Lortab 7.5mg 3 times a day
2. How long does the swelling last?
3. How long did it take you guys to get back on your dirt bikes?
Thanks for your input.


Jan 29, 2001
Pain medicine for me was less than a month and i was off it. I was only then taking panadol. As for riding i got on the bike and road up and back down our street and that was after 5 months but i didnt do any racing till about 8 months, and that was cos i just wanted time and didnt think i was right, did a trail ride after about 7 months and took it VERY easy, up to you but you gotta take in what the doc says.
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