African American Riders...

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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I think you'll find dirt bikers one of the most accepting groups. Most of us enjoy life enough that we don't have to bother oursleves with petty stuff like racisim.

Young man, I feel like you are on the right path. You have an iquisitive mind and are interested in a fast growing sport. Simply the act of inquiring about such a topic in a rational way shows you are maturing.

Welcome to the dirt bike world and welcome to adult life, my young friend.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002

Couldn't have said it better Jaybird.


Jul 20, 2004
sameden, I ride in NC...I've seen black riders at the local races, I have not seen any yet out trail riding. I've seen a whole lot more black fans at the Nationals since Bubba has come on the scene...maybe a coincidence, but I think he's brought more attention to the sport to the black community. Regardless, don't worry about it because white, black, yellow, or red, riding a dirtbike is the most fun that can you can have. It is traditionally a redneck sport and you'll find that it is mostly white people out there on the trails, but be a pioneer, man! Also, find a riding buddy and partner up, there's always safety in numbers should you run across any ignorant people that want to cause trouble. Rest assured, they are out there as they are in any area. I'm white and there are certain areas of my own city I'm not about to go to alone or without a black friend. If that's controversial to say, so be it, but there was at least one time when my friend had to step in and save me from a sure beating or who knows what. Even being white, I've had run-ins with other ignorant white people while out riding that just wanted to cause trouble with anyone. It's definitely just a few bad apples among the majority of riders, but there are some out there. Don't let it keep you from riding. By the way, it's not a great idea to go trailriding alone regardless in case of a breakdown or injury. I always try to find someone to go out with me, and if I end up alone, I ride a lot more reserved than normal.


Oct 3, 2002
sameden said:
also not that i want one but what is the comparable atv beside a yz125

I'd say it might be hard to compare a 125 MX racer to a quad. A KDX 200 or 220 might compare more favorably. KDXs are better woods/trails bikes than MX racers.
Oct 19, 2007
Welcome sam, i am another black rider and i have many black and white friends that i ride with in NC. Its all about havin fun man


Feb 16, 2001
I personally I enjoy the diversity each PERSON brings into my life.Honda riders do seem to have the edge though :nener:


Mar 1, 2008
WELCOME Man, Dirt bikers are really acceptable. I am Mexican, and i find that number growing as well, so its good that the diversity is growing in this sport. You will have fun, as to your question about how many African American riders i see when i go ride, the answer is a couple in the track, some in the desert but the number is definately growing. Oh and i'll leave you with this name


if you know who he is great, if you don't check him out on youtube. He is amazing, a lot of people don't like his attitude, but his talent is amazing.

P.s. your going to see some stupid comments on some of his videos, but those people are ignorant and not common in real MX, and Huge IDIOTS, that get huevos behind a computer, don't pay attention to them. In FACT Pay attention on how Stewart rides, Knees bent, Elbows up, body position a lot more in front to keep weight foreward, and basically the only time you sit is when your turning.

Good Luck, and once again welcome to the sport..

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Straightdrp421...I see you're '90 YZ was stolen. I hate to hear about things like that. When was it? What part of NC? Any pictures or identifying things to look for?


Apr 1, 2008
MotoZen37 said:
Hey fella,
While it is absolutely true that a rider is a rider, I can see why the young man that started the thread would ask such a question. This is a caucasian dominated sport, but so was football and baseball at one time too.

Whoa...I just saw this thread is three years old!

Don't forget golf and tennis :)

I'm out in the SF Bay Area and this place is a melting pot. When I go out I see all races, Caucasian, Hispanic, Vietnamese, African American, Chinese, my fellow Filipino's, etc. etc.

It's cool, I can go out and see people of all races brought together by a common love....I can walk down the parking lot and see a family hunched over a BBQ pit with a big pot of steamed rice and be like Kumusta Ka'. [which means Hello in Tagalog [Filipino]]. It's all good around here and like everyone else has said.

Good luck on getting your bike.
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Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Some of my best friends are riders.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
VintageDirt said:
Some of my best friends are riders.
I wish some of my best friends owned liquor stores.

or maybe my wife.


Aug 21, 2005
Straightdrp421 said:
Welcome sam, i am another black rider and i have many black and white friends that i ride with in NC. Its all about havin fun man
I don't care what you look like, as long as you aren't as big of a jack455 as me. I see that you are near Raleigh, any chance of you showing up at Cow Branch on June 1? My son races the SMX series, and the race for that weekend had to be moved. I expect 100 or so of my closest friends will be there (and I don't know many of their names).


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
XRpredator said:
I wish some of my best friends owned liquor stores.

or maybe my wife.

Why would you want one of your friends to own your wife? :think:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
JuliusPleaser said:
Why would you want one of your friends to own your wife? :think:
No, I already own her. I wish she owned a liquor store.

silly goose
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