scott graaf

Apr 25, 2002
96 kdx 200 stock qetting. Bike ran Ok with OK dark brown plug color. no problem fouling plugs ( current one has 300+ miles on it). Checked plug today and it half black/ half white. I think I developed an air leak. What's the best way to track one down. It there one area where they occur more often. Dealer thought it mite be where air boot mounts to reed block. They say they always use a liquid gasket sealent at the air boot/ reed block joint. Any ideas


May 7, 2002
Take a can of starting fluid obtainable at any auto parts store. It's mainly ether. Anyway, take off your magneto cover and fire the bike up. Get it nice and hot and spray the starting fluid first around the air boot connection to the cylinder and then down behind the magneto. If the engine speed increases, you've found the leak.

Folsom, CA
2002 KDX-200

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