
Apr 22, 2005
hi everyone last year for my 14th birthday I got my first bike it was a chinese brand that was pretty cheap my dad wasnt sure if I was serious about getting into riding so he didnt want to spend much money Its a 125 4stroke with a seat height of 32.8 inches and a dry weight of 231 lbs so with not much power it is very hard to jump with. my birthday is coming around and I want to get a mx bike and start racing I'm fairly comfortable on a 2 stroke 125 but i like the idea of the smaller 85 plus if I get an 85 I can get a brand new one.what age level are the 85's aimed at I dont have much experience on any race bike but i did have a 20 min test ride on a yz250f just on flat ground and I only went up into 3rd gear. I'm 5"4 - 5"5ish and weigh about 69-70 kg (around 150 lbs) would it be worth getting a 85 or am i too tall or heavy or outgrow it too quickly i would want to keep it for 2-3 years so what do you all think I dont have much experience only a year of riding on a mellow very heavy 125 4stroke should i go strait to the full size bike or go with a 85.sorry for such a long post thanks in advance any advice is much appreciated.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
:cool: i vote 125 in 2 - 3 yrs or sooner youll be ready for the 250s


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Too big for the 85, go with a 125.


Nov 12, 2004
I would go with a 125, though at your height and weight a KX100 would also work. The KX100 would be marginally too small for you, but might be easier for you to learn on as its much smaller and lighter than a 125. 85's are aimed at ~ 80-115lbs/4'8"-5'4" riders. A KX100 is more for 100-130lbs/ 5'-5'6" riders, though with different springs can work very well for riders from 130-160lbs. If your local tracks are on the small, tight side without a lot of really big jumps you would probably be fastest on a KX100 (but might out grow it quickly), however if you local track is large and has many high speed sections or large jumps you would probably be faster on a 125 as it will be more stable and easier to land from large jumps due to its better suspension and longer wheel base.

good luck


Mar 25, 2005
bully_23 said:
hi everyone last year for my 14th birthday I got my first bike it was a chinese brand that was pretty cheap my dad wasnt sure if I was serious about getting into riding so he didnt want to spend much money.

FYI: if the 125 your talking about is the klx that it says you have, then its not a chinese bike. Its japanese.


Apr 22, 2005
FYI crfisnotgood :i know kawasaki is a japanese brand, the bike I have is pretty much a cheaper and much heavier CHINESE version of a klx 125 with a headlight.I just thought it would be easier to use a well known bikes name instead of one where no1 would know what type of bike i had


Apr 22, 2005
ok so i was pretty sure i didnt want an 85 any way not enough power. now do u think i should stick with 125 bcoz i found an awsum deal on a yzf400- do u reckon thats 2 powerful and i should start my motocross career with a 125. and r the 400f''s easier and better/ more reliable than 250fs


Mar 4, 2005
I would get either a 250f or a 125 2-stroke. I started out on a yz 125 with very minimal experience on an xr 100. I first thought the bike was too much for me but quickly got the hang of it and now I love it.


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
I think your serious choices are a 250F or 125-2str. Stay away from the 400!!!!! A 250F will prolly be easier to ride (as a beginner) than a 125-2str. But which ever you choose, take your time and learn the bike. 125's can have a violent hit at the beginning of the powerband if you aren't used to them.

"He who crashes today may not ride tomorrow!" :ohmy:
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