
Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
So here we are this weekend at the track, perfect conditions, weather was sunny and 63... nothing could bring the day down.... then it happend.

A full grown pit bull is running through the pits scared as hell from all the noise, the owner, the 17-19 year old punk chasing him yelling. The dog heads for the track as a 450 goes by then turns and head the other direction.... goes over to where someone else was pitted with a smaller dog (on a leader) and stops, I think sure there is going to be a dead dog here in a second because some stupid teenager didn't put his dog on a leader... the owner of the small dog manages to shew the pit away just as the owner gets there. this is where it goes from bad to worse.

The punk has the leash in hand, the dog is scared poopless from all of the noise and comotion and the kid kicks the hell out of the dog. I mean a point-after kind of kick.... well I think the dog was hurt because he got away and made a run from his retarded owner but could not out run him on 3 legs... the kid then tackles the dog and begins to full-on punch the dog and drags it by the leash back to his truck and threw it into the cab of the truck...

You might have guessed but by now i am at a full run across the pits to "discuss" his behavior. Well I lost all cool that I had when I see the dog in the cab of the truck all jacked up... "WTF were you thinking beating that dog like that?" I say (in that "you stepped over the line and its go-time" voice) the kid replies like a smart ass "he ran off, you got to teach them a lesson" So I give him a shove in the chest and ask him if he'd like to teach me a lesson. I guess he didn't because he turned around and just started breathing hard and shaking his head. I informed him that he was to face me when I was speaking to him and that if his back stayed to me I was going to open palm slap hid dumb ass in front of the world... he turned around. I told him that he was the one at fault, not the dog, if he was stupid enough to bring a dog to the track w/o proper restaints then reprimanded the dog when it ran off by beating the piss out of it he should not have one. Before I went back to my pit I told him that if I saw him do that again, today or in the future there would be no words spoken and he would be in as much a confused state as his dog was in while he was trying to figure out why his ass was being beat.

30 minutes later his FMX monkey buddy comes strolling over to me, hat on backwards and all... wants to know if "we are cool?" I said as long as he don't start beating the dog again we are... the kid then says "The dog got a way, you have to teach em' a lesson" I said I have 5 dogs and that is not the way you teach them. he said "they probably know better" I said no, I know better. and asked him to beat it.

I am glad it ended where it did, but my God I have not been that ready to open the hurt locker in a LONG time. I probably should have just let it go... or called the cops or something.... hopefully he will learn from this that you don't treat an animal that way... I sure hope he does not end up treating his kids that way... :|


Apr 13, 2000
Very sad indeed....Some people should not have animals. Our neighbor has a dog that they keep locked up on the side of their house. It comes out about once a week. They used to bring him out to play with our dog but they dont want it destroying the new grass.

Im actually surprised you dont have 6 dogs now.


Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by Thump
I probably should have just let it go... or called the cops or something....

Nope, you did the right thing. One day he will get his. That dog will turn on him and take his hand off.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by Erick82
Nope, you did the right thing. One day he will get his. That dog will turn on him and take his hand off.
Yeah then it will be another "Pit Bull" statistic, not a stupid owner thing.

RMJeff, I almost did. :silly:


Jun 5, 2001
He has no idea how close he came to being taken out by a spoke breaking Texas boy. Sometimes David, punks just need to learn a lesson, he was knocking on the school's door for the first class, you should have let him in.;) Proud of you my son!


Jan 22, 2002
Its a shame that pit bulls have become the status symbol for punks acting tough. Surely this kid didnt realize all the responsibility when he got the dog. And you are definately right , I hope the kid doesn't breed till he gets some violent issues out of his head.I dont want to know that kids lack of patience and brain cells when a baby won't stop screaming at 2:30 in the morning.


Jun 16, 1999
You definately did the right thing. In fact, you would have been doing the right thing even if you had laid the royal smack down. Whatta loser, I have absolutely no use for people like that.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I hate to say it Thump but you are totally in the wrong!!!

You should have kicked that punk kids ass to kingdom come and then brought him down here for us to make Suthin BBQ out of his sorry ass so we could feed our dogs.

I hate animal cruelty.

We just got a collie. It is about a year old and very, very sweet. When it found us it was matted and weak. We fed it, I bought a pen and we have gotten it out and played with her every night.

I am in the process of getting the backyard fenced in so she'll have just about a 1/4 acre to herself.

She is too young to listen and too untrained so I have to bear the frustration of her walking off and not listening when I call. I usually end up going and picking her up and putting her in the pen for a few minutes while I sit there. Then when she comes out I play with her as long as she stays in the yard. Slowly but surely it is working.

If I ever find the original owner they will have to reimburse me all the vet fee's (shots and stuff) and then pay the doctors bill for the removal of my foot from their ass.

If you can't treat an animal better than you can treat your best friend then you don't deserve to have any pet.



Sponsoring Member
Aug 11, 2002
These things are painfull to watch,for sure.Pitt-bulls got banned here a few years ago,because of many incidents with them attacking and killing dogs or even probably wasnt always the dogs fault...anyway,theres no way the police can control it,a lot of other dogs are almost identical in race to the pitt-bull.I guess as long as there are dog owners ready to beat the **** out of an already scared animal,we will have trouble with attacking dogs,- regardless of race.... :(

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
nice work my friend. good retraint also.i find when that lil switch goes off, i need that sweet release. i like the part about making him face you also.ha! too bad the kid didn't have a nervous twitch, i'm beeting that's all it would have taken for some thumpin!


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002

I congradulate you on your restraint, my hot Irish temper probaly would have cost me a trip to the pokey for assault. At any rate I hope this doesn't cause another rise in stats when the poor animal decides it's had enough and latches on to his sorry ass. An animal will only take so much and then the sorry piece of crap that abused him either gets the animal euthenized or kills it himself "Because it didn't learn it's place." Man I hate to hear about this stuff! I happen to own a breed that really scares people but from the get go when they meet her I am always asked where I got her and how to get a pup or if I breed them myself. Nikita is my best friend and compainion for 8 years in April. I hope the punk learned a lesson.


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May 21, 2001
Way to go Thump! I personally think that all teenage punks should be exterminated, but that's for a different thread. You did the right thing, and hopefully he learned a lesson (but more than likely he didn't). This should give you the right to beat him unconscious if he does it again :aj: . Here's my dog....
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2002
RIGHT ON! I don't think there are any bad dogs, just bad owners. I just got my second dog, a black lab, to go along with a shepard mix. They both have training and occasionally get a smack from me when they are bad, but also get a treat EVERY time they do something right.

I applaud your restraint, I don't know if I could have held back. Someone kicks a dog like they, they deserve the same beating.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
My original post was incorrect... the dog was on a leash to start with, he just let it go. Should have had him on a leader. Anyway here is the reason I get so pissed...


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Here is another shot of my spoiled pup, after tearing up another stuffed toy :)

I have yet to figure out why my "Slobber Machine" feel's the need to stick her cold nose in my face at 'O Dark Thirty' in the morning to go outside but I will say this, it's the only way to start the morning! Otherwise it would be a worn out "Snooze" button on the clock! :confused:


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A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002

I am glad to see you still have the whole pack of hounds! You have one big kennel there!

Congrats big guy, I can only handle one hyperactive middle age German Shepherd LOL!


Aug 13, 2002
Man that's just the kinda guy that gives us teens the "punk kid" image....I have dogs too and we have NEVER used any kind of abuse to "teach them lessons" and they are very obedient. Sounds like the guy that was doing the beating belongs anywhere but a motocross track, he aughta be ashamed.


Nov 5, 2001
WHO LET THE THUMP OUT, woff woff woff! :thumb:

Its a real shame, the sad thing is that the dog will be learning to be agressive and probably very nervous and scared around people. I wonder if a lot of the statistics from agressive dog incidents are becasue of the way they were treated? :|

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
dang thump, you better call the cops. some one snuck into your house and cut all them dogs legs in half. kinda like hank hills dad. :thumb: btw, don't any of you guys own cats? jeez.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by sfc crash
dang thump, you better call the cops. some one snuck into your house and cut all them dogs legs in half. kinda like hank hills dad. :thumb: btw, don't any of you guys own cats? jeez.
:eek: The truth comes out!

Sarge! Say it ain't so!!!!!!

Mr: "I'm going to eat your guts with eggs for breakfast!" is a cat lover, life just got a little less exciting.....



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by sfc crash
btw, don't any of you guys own cats? jeez.

We do. It is a male Minx that we inherited when we bought the house (long, funny story).

It is dying... it has bone cancer in the jaw and its lower jaw is the size of half a softball now. He has trouble eating so we buy him this special stuff from the vet. He is still playing a little and sleeping a lot as well as losing weight. Once he stops eating we'll have a very tough decision but he's had a great 19 year run.



Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
WTG Thump, that kind of response should make any pet owner proud! Nice restraint catching yourself where you did, although I probably would have called the cops or the ASPCA on the little bastage.


Apr 16, 2002
there is one thing i hate seeing more than...well never mind that is the thing i hate most. Thump i would have at least broken his nose, hell who has the right 2 beat a defence less scared animal? that pisses me off to no end just reading it. id knock this prick on his every ass every time i saw him for now on.


Apr 1, 2001
Wow, I thought they called you Thump 'cause of the bike you rode; now I know! I can understand the need to thrash someone like that, but if you did he'd probably own everything you've got the way the courts work now-a-days, so restraint was probably for the best!
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