
Apr 24, 2001
I've looked through the threads and did a seach, but I havn't found an explanantion for the power jet on a '04 RM250.

I ride/race offroad in fairly fast terrain with tight thrown in. I was fouling a plug every day or 2 at the most. Bought a JD kit and jetted accordingly. Throttle and feel way better. But pull the plug and still black. I doubt I can use a plug for more than 1 ride still.
His instructions didn't mention the power jet but it is in the manual.

Do I still need to go leaner for my conditions or am I missing something.

This a very low hour machine. I have ridden 2T all my life so I don't beleive my style is causing it.

New jetting per instructions:

Red needle in the 4th clip.
air- 2 turns



May 28, 2006
aftermarket exhaust?

Its difficult to give advice on jetting almost equally difficult getting it.

I always go in small increments

the 2004 makes it especially difficult to check your plug repeatedly.

a 21/17mm craftsman closed end ratchet wrench is kick ass and only costs about 9 bucks. if you have an IMS tank you cannot pull the plug without removeing the tank unless you have the ratchet.

Alot of people talk about maintanence scheduling in terms of "rides"
a ride for you may be considerably longer and much more demanding on the machine that joe shmoe who follows his wife around for an hour or so.
If you are doing hare scrambles and freakin' nailin' it grunting over logs etc etc..., as i suspect you are. then you will just "go through" plugs fairly often
especiall on the 04 rm
I have had occasion where i will need to replace a plug after a 1-2 hour race and other times i can do two or three of those races.

BTW what kind of mix are you using?


Apr 24, 2001
Except fot the jetting kit bike is totally stock at this time.
running 40:1. I bought the bike while down with an injury and just starting to ride again. It had a "blubber" under hard acceleration about 1/3 throttle that the kit seemed to cure.

Thanks for the help.

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