any 125 or 250 F "IF u have either of bikes please POST!"

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Mod Ban
Jan 7, 2007
I would fill out that long thing but eff it, takes way too much time and I just want to know in ur oppinion.

annyone who has a 125.. let me know ho wit runs on a daily bassis, the only thing im concerd about 2 strokes. are having to change the spark plug every 3-4 times u ride it, i know it is only a $2 expence, but i just rather not, the other thing is Top Ends.. on a 125 do you persinoly go through top ends alot , and i heard that with 125's since the bike is like a little rocket, things tend to go fast , like your constenly honing and over boring ur cylinder bec the of top ends going... but this could be completely wrong in what im saying.... so if u do have a 125 let me know all the dis-likes about it, as well as the likes...

The reasion why i want a 250F and going back and forth between the 2 (125 or 250f) is bec... i like how the 4 stroke is a much more lay back when it comes to maintenance but i do know that if a 4stroke does crap out on you. Its alot of money to fix and the engines are more complex. but u can start the thing up on a cold day.. and let it IDLE bec i do know that , thats how u run through spark plugs is if u let a stroke idle...

so basicly if u have either of the bikes, Let me know what u think i should get . dont base ur answer on skill wise. this is strickly the best running bike out of the 2 and why...



Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Will eff it than. ef u r not goin ta fell out the phorm, than i gess i well cloose ur post.

Spell check is at the bottom of the screen, use it before you post it.
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