anyone been on a cruise?


Jan 10, 2001
have any of you guys/ladies been on a cruise? i'm leaving for one on monday, sailing from Long Beach, CA, to mexico and back. is it true that once you are a certain distance out to sea, US laws dont apply anymore or something like that? does this mean at 17 i can buy alcohol and gamble in the casino on the boat? also is the food any good? ive been suffereing the last 8 weeks because i havent been able to ride...this trip should be fun

Mike Hubert

Apr 22, 2001
Sorry, most ships require that you be 21 to drink and gamble but some allow it at 18, I don't think 17 cuts it anywhere. You will be able to sneak into the casino without much problem but buying a drink may not happen. Once you get to Mexico anything goes. The food on the ship will be great, don't forget to order 1 of everything that sounds good, if they have filet and lobster on the menu order them both, they don't care.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN thing you must know...some folks get seasick! Even if you have never experienced motion sickness, you may get it while on the boat. Trust me you will be the most miserable soul in the world if you do get sick. My wife gwas sick for a whole 7 day cruise. Once we were on dry land she was fine, but when we got back on the boat again...she was sick again immediately!

Go to your doctor and tell him your plans. He can prescribe a patch for you. I'd wear the patch no matter what. You won't be able to get them even from the ships Dr once you've set sail. Dramamine and wrist bands are a big waste of time, so if you get anything, get the Dr's patch.

Enjoy your trip and remember that drinking is wayyy overated anywho.


Oct 9, 2000
Cruises are awesome. You will not get alcohol or admission into the casino. It is an urban legend. Most ships have their own laws and mini police stations. If you are lucky, you can be buds with some older people and they can buy you drinks. If you look old, they may not "card" you in the casino.
Order anyhting that you want from the menu because it is very hard for the waiters to go get seconds or extras. On the last cruise I went on, I usually ordered everything on the menu for dinner and had a couple bites of each! :scream:

Most important of all, have fun, make some friends as soon as you get on the ship and relax.

BTW, what cruise line are you travelling on?

Also, don't worry too much about the motionsickness. Unless you are a total motion wussy, then it iwll not affect you. The ships barely move and it is kindof a gently rocking motion that can put you to sleep. Heck, you are a dirt bike rider, it will not affect you!!!


Mar 19, 2000
You will have a great time!! As everyone has said, prepare to eat!! The food is usually very good. some thinf may not apeal to you if you are like me, a basic steak & 'tator man. But try it all, its FREE.

As fas as motion sickness goes, It all depends on the size of the ship. My first cruise was on a decent size ship, but you could feel it move some. I wore the wrist bands, and it helped. I didn't think they were working, so I didn't wear it one night to dinner. Bad move, I had to go back to the cabin to get it. Last year though we went on a Disney Cruise. Huge Ship. Never felt it move. In fact when we boarded, after getting settled in we went to one of the bars (big surprise). I turned and looked out and was amazed to see that we had been sailining for 30min or so. Never felt a thing.

Anddon't worry, there will be plenty of things to do, other than drinking and gambling.


Nov 8, 1999
Cruises are fun, but too many days on the ship can get old.

Motion sickness: if you have every been around the water much it won't be an issue. If it is an issue normally the ship have a 'miracle' pill that is better than wrist bands or dramamine. Just ask on the ship. Normally the infirmary dispenses them.

Have all you fun on shore, and sleep by the pool!;)


Sep 9, 2001
I went on a Carnival cruise about 5 years ago.. it was a blast. I was 21 at the time so being a minor wasn't an issue.. I did see some highschool kids drinking - I don't think anyone cares until you step over the line and start acting like an idiot so if you do drink try to at least act like an adult..

Motion sickness : Not on the boat I was on - never could even tell you were moving.. of course we had great weather..

We went to the Bahamas and if Mexico is anything like it - watch out for the locals.. When you get off the boat they will try to sell you anything and EVERYTHING.. don't buy it.

You will have alot of fun - and if you do it right you won't have time to sleep...

You've heard the term 'like Mexican water through a tourist"? bring Pepto!!!


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
LOL....I'm just warning you about the sickness. I personally have never had motion sickness, but I've seen those who were afflicted with it while on board and they will tell you strait up, don't chance it.

Why risk having a terrible time? Strick those miracle pills are the same thing as dramamine. They will not give you prescription strength stuff on board, I don't care what they may be telling you. Liability prohibits them from doing so.

Take my advise and go see the Dr. Even if you don't get sick, there may be someone there who is and will call you a hero for having the good stuff!

I'm with Strick on the "gets old" part....3 days is plenty on a ship. 7 gets quite boring.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
I've been on two and will be going on another one soon. As far as drinking, when you buy anything on board, it is charged to your room. You just hand them your room key which acts like a credit card. You pay the bill at then end of the week. The two ships I've been on have had a hole punched through the key which showed you were under age (both my cousins were at the time). So as far as looking older, your room key will give you away. If you will be rooming with someone over 21 then you can always use their key. I've never seen anyone checking a picture ID with the room key. As far as the casino goes, I was 25 on the first cruise and 29 on the second and they looked at me funny but I don't remember having to show ID. Just use your best judgement and don't really draw attention to yourself. If you do happen to win anything significant, they may start asking questions though!

Try everything at's all FREE!! One night they had lobster tails and we had the waiter bring everyone two. It's the ultimate vacation.

I've never experienced motion sickness, but I've always heard that once you feel sick it's toooooo late!!! So just for safe measures I'd take a Dramimine every day. They won't hurt you (get non-drowsy ones and take in the morning). You don't want to spend the whole week feeling sick.

HAVE FUN!!!:) :)


Jan 10, 2001
we're going on the carnival cruise line, on the ship "the ecstasy"...5 day 4 night i think. we stop at catalina island for a day and then spend a day in ensenada. i read the little booklet that came with the tickets and there is a weight room, a couple pools, and a bunch of other stuff i wont be able to do with my broken collarbone :mad: i'm rooming with my cousin who is my age but rules state that we have to be w/ someone 25 or older. so my mom said she would say my uncle is staying with us too so we can have the room to ourselves, which means 2 extra beds for guests ;) and the book said you have to be 18 for the gambling...which is probablyfor the best as i dont have a lot of money to spare anyways. and i'll make sure to eat as much as possible!

ive been to mexico before so the locals trying to sell anything and everything wont be a surprise...hey i even got a pair of "oakleys" for $10
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
LOL, any cruise I've ever been on you could drink like a fish for no extra charge.

Oh, I want to mention this to you, Yot....
You will have a man that is assigned to your cabin. He will be one great fella too. When you leave for breakfast he will be busy cleaning up your room.
And when you come in at night to retire, he will probably have your blankets turned down and a mint on your pillow. He will treat you like a remember and tip this guy at the end of the trip. It's not a mandatory thing, but it is how most of these guys live. Be as generous as you can be with him because I garantee he will have worked hard for it.

You must have posted while I was writing, you are on one of the best boats in the world. No doubt you will have a grand time. The Ecstacy is one Fine ship! BTW....take 2 coat and tie suits if you have em. There are usually 2 formal dinners on a 7 day.
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Sponsoring Member
Mar 30, 2001
I went on a 7 day cruise to Mexico and the Bahammas. I was 19 at the time and I could gamble in the casino, but couldn't buy alcohol. They give you a charge card to buy stuff with on the ship and it shows up that you're not 21. So I just used my dad's card to buy beer all the time;) :confused:
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