Anyone use OPTI-2 Pre-Mix?


Jan 6, 2002
Do any of you have experience, or know the word on Opti-2 pre-mix. It is supposed to be mixed at 100:1 it sounds kind of scary to me. Perhaps it should be mixed a little thicker but I just don't know. Anyone have advice or experience with this product?


Jun 18, 2002
Yep I know of it, we have used it in our bikes for quite a few years and had no problems. We mix it at about 65:1 rather than the 100:1 that it says on the bottle. Never had any engine seizures and no abnormal wear, when we replace the pistons and rings there is always oil down near the crank (like there should be). So we have no intentions of switching brands. Everyone I have talked to that uses it has had no problems...but none mix at 100:1 . ;)

Hope this has helped.
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