JD_MXRacer said:
ha ha i cant help it im 15. i guess its just in my blood right now to act that way. but i have been looking for places around here to train with people my age. i think the local ymca has a jiu jitsu class. but that kid trains in texas.
Wrong. I'm 15, I don't have the mindset you seem to think all 15 year olds have. The kid that Patman showed you, had been training since he was what..4? And he's winning events nationally. Sure, growing up I had aspirations to play Professional hockey. But you have to face it, there's what, 600-700 people that play in the NHL. You have to be the 1st to 600th best in the WORLD, to play professionally.
What my blabbering is trying to say is, if you want to play something professionally (UFC), you'd better be damn good at it and you'd better be
really dedicated.