Anywhere to ride and camp at/near Lake Tahoe?


May 10, 2000
Going riding and camping this weekend. The wife wants to go to Lake Tahoe. Does anyone know of anywhere to ride near Lake Tahoe. I've ridden Prosser Pits. I'm looking for singletrack or something with jumps. Is there any riding closer to the Lake? Or does anyone know of any good single track riding near a lake in the central valley area? Thanks.


Apr 29, 2002
I haven't been there yet, I just used that website to do some research for a trip I'm planning at the end of summer


May 10, 2000
Prosser was OK, but we didn't get to ride too much. My buddy broke his radiator about 45 minutes into the day and lost all his coolant. Made for a short day. It was a little dusty, we never even made it to the singletrack before his radiator broke, which sucked because I've ridden the pits before, but not the ST. The track was as it's always been: cool obstacles and layout, but real hardpacked. They added a cool rhythm section next to the whoops. The hill climb area to the south by the freeway used to have a cool step up, but not no more. What kind of riding do you do. Probably trails since you've got a DRZ. Wish I could give you some insight on the singletrack, but like I said I kept close to the pit and staging area since I was without my buddy in case I got hurt. If you go please post your impression of the singletrack.


Jun 3, 2002
Which single track are you referring to? There are a handful right near Prosser pits. There are a few east of Russel Valley, Boca hill and some scattered in between. Prosser Hill is one of the better ones and there is a staging area right next to it. As far as something to jump, there is a "gun pit" about 5 min from Prosser Pits thats kind of a fun flace to fool around...


May 10, 2000
The only one I was aware of is Prosser Hill. Could you please post more information/directions to the other ones you mentioned, or point me towards a website or somewhere I can find more info. Thanks.


Jun 3, 2002
Those other places (as far as I know) are kind of local knowledge places... so no real web sites to look at. Next time I go out there, I will make a mental note on the best ways to get to these places and try to write something down...
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