
Apr 5, 2000
I'll start off by saying l really like the Cells I have been wearing since I purchased them this spring. The extra security is comforting. I have one concern that I know has been mentioned before and am curious if any resolution has been found.

I find myself able to grip the bike tighter with my knees, but as a result, I have worn a hole right through a brand new set of Core 5 pants, the graphics are history, and last night it now looks like the left side of my seat cover lost a fight to a tomcat- several tears and holes. Its getting expensive to replace this stuff.

Now, my buddy wears CTI's and I'm not interested in debating the brace itself, but CTI offers a small very dense pad that is attached around the hinge on the inside of each brace with velcro strips. Only the hinge that would contact the bike. It has nothing to do with knee protection or how the brace fits. It's purpose is only to protect whatever the hinge may contact.

He has never torn pants, graphics or anything with this pad in place.

Has Asterisk seen what I'm trying to describe or possibly have something in the works? It seems to be a rather inexpensive fix for a common problem. Realizing that not all applications of your braces would need this, having it available as on option for a few bucks sounds like it could work.

Any thoughts on this?


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I have seen people cut a small section of hip pad material from a pair of riding pants, and safety wire/zip tie it to cover the hinge area.

Asterisk also sells some thigh-high leggings that you slide over your leg area (basically from mid-calf to mid-thigh) before strapping on the braces. The top part of the legging extends past the brace, so then you flip it down over the top of the brace to partially cover it. I don't know however if the legging will go down far enough to cover the hinge area and prevent holes. Maybe Billywho can elaborate if this works or not.

Attached is a picture the hinge pad:

EDIT: Oops - evidently you can't attach images in this forum. How about a web link:
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