Arm Pump


Mar 6, 2000
I am a college kid in my master's.  I usually ride every weekend and experience significant arm pump.  I am doing the Gary Semics workout for eliminating arm pump but still experience some.  I lift weights religiously and ride pro class.  If you have not rode in a while and you are fast it does not take but around 30 seconds to experience arm pump.  Any suggestions on eliminating this?  The Gary workout has helped.  I also use mineral Ice and bc powders to thin my blood.  Warming up before the race helps some also.  It usually takes the whole day to eliminate the pump with the third and fourth motos being my best.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Not sure but I have heard in-correct breathing is a critical contributer to arm pump?
Early motos you tense up and hold your breath while riding?
You are more relaxed later in the day si it doesnt bother you as much?
There are some books about different breathing teqniques to use before and during racing.

Just a thought.


Mar 6, 2000
Thanks for the info on breathing.  Will look into some techniques.  And practice breathing when I ride.  Any other ideas?


Dec 25, 1999
A good breakfast can also help.  Avoid food that leave you feeling sluggish.  Avoid red meats and caffeine.  Red meats are harder for the stomach to digest and caffeine does something to the blood stream, slowing it down slightly.  Best advise is don't have any caffeine or red meats with in 24 hours of a race.  Also bananas for some reason help reduce arm pump.  I try and eat one or two bananas before each race and it does help.  Johny O'Mara was who I learned of the banana diet from.  Also take an aspirin or two before a moto.  It thins the blood stream.  And don't forget fluids.  Water is a key factor.  Once you have a thirst for something, your body is already becoming dehydrated.

'00 CR 125
Minnesota, D-23
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