Thanks for the replies. Those thor ones look cool, but it does not say anything about removeable padding. I like the idea of the removalbe ones because the thor pads would smell pretty rank after a few rides. They add you posted did not list them as removable. Any one know if they are? I like the idea of washing the pads every now and then. Any bets on who has the thickest plastic? Fox, Thor, or AXO
Here is a link to the fox ones
Anyway the irony for the AXO add was that the guy pictured (Nathen Ramesy maybe) has an Asterisk sticker on his helmet. If he is a sponsered by them he is proalby not were any of AXOs knee pads. Just thought it was kind of funny. ;)
P.S. They list in price from 49, 59, and 69. AXO, Thor, and Fox respectively.
At this point I'm not sure if the Fox is worth 20 bucks over the AXO. Nobody in town carries all three lines so its not like I can check them all out. I'm not sure anyone in town even carries fox gear.