Back riding again


Jul 8, 2006
I am much like 3TV I rode years ago. I sold my bikes shortly after getting married and having kids. Had to start working all
the time. My sons grew up wanting to ride got them bikes about 5 years ago and let them ride around the house. They started wanting other places to ride so I got a bike. My land joined about 2000 acres of company land that was nice til they sold it and put about 20 miles paved roads in started selling house lots.
So we started running harescrambles last year and my youngest son is running GNCC this year. Started getting DR mag and found this forum and signed up yesterday, interesting info looks like fun.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome back to riding adn welcome to DRN, Tim.

Your story mirrors that of many others on the site. Glad you found your way back.

Check out the Southern Spodes forum for opportunities to hook up with fellow DRNers. Kick some bootie in there and get some rides going.
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