
Sep 28, 2001
One day, i was down on my farm, and decided to run into a tree. :confused: I broke my clutch. So for the rest of the day, and the week for that matter, I rode without one. since i didnt have a clutch for a week, i got use to not using it. and now that i have a clutch, i only use it when i put my brakes on hard. I know its not bad to use the clutch when you downshift, but upshifting I've heard different sides. is it bad to not use the clutch to upshift?


Apr 27, 2001
If you are asking soley should you use a clutch for upshifting, I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. I think from a video, I can't remember which one it states that you need to relieve the tension on the gears when upshifting.

However, more importantly I think is what kind of riding are you doing? The clutch is one of the most important aspects when learning to ride. It's a major component in controling the bike. I.e. Getting power to the ground or getting yourself out of trouble in a corner. Going over a jump and the front end gets too high. (Used with the back brake to bring the front down.) You may or may not be into competitively riding but the foundations to learning to ride properly also improves your control over the bike which leads to safety.

My 2 cents, I would strongly suggest you get a clutch lever and use it.


Sep 15, 2000
I know alot of people that don't bother using the clutch when upshifting. Remember, our trannys are a dogbox design, nothing like a car/truck has. Let off the gas, pop it up a gear and away you go. I always use my clutch for downshifting, of if I'm going slow, but rarely do I used it to upshift. that reminds me, I have to change the tranny oil today :)

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
If your just casually riding (not racing) I would recommend using the clutch. If for no other reason it is cheaper to replace clutch plates than transmission parts.JMO
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