
Dec 3, 1999
Headed to St. Anthony Dunes last night for a little evening ride. Gusting winds, get to the meet poing and the top of my gear box (rubbermaid) blew off and was gone. Bad Omen...

Get out there late, head across the whoops past Egin Lake and up onto Crapo Dune. Roll over the first jump--side kicker into a bowl. Pretty sketchy because of a soft sand lip instead of a nice rolling take-off, but not bad.

Come around for the second time, get next to another guy and pick a line away from his. Get some nice air off it, with a little whip to line me up for the landing--look down and see nothing but a huge rolling cloud of sand and blue plastic. No way to change where I'm landing, so I hit, pull hard to the left miss the tumbling bike in front of me but t-bone the rider. Now I'm off the bike, not knowing where the sky is or the ground, so I pull into a little ball and hit. I roll a few times and get up with a sore finger and nothing else. I'm mainly worried I really hurt the other rider.

We both get up--no one really hurt. But, bars bent bad and clutch lever broken on my bike. Head back to the truck, get a new lever. Head back into the dunes and the t-boned rider's yz quits. Won't start, no compression, motor let go...

Spend the next hour getting some fat a*$ worthless Ranger (they'll take your money for off-road stickers and give tickets, but just don't ask them to help you out in a pinch...) convinced to at least get his truck out on the flats to help us get the bike out and drag that mother out of there with a 400ex a couple of tie downs and six guys.

By now the night's almost done--get a few good laps in around a natural track, but bent bars aren't doing it for me. Buddy's bike burned up and he's sore...should've stayed home I guess......

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