what i did with my yz426f is bought ufo head light,add-on tailight/brake light w/lic.plate holder found the smallest gel cell street bike battery i could find, mounted it to top of the air box (it hangs down inside)hooked up the head light and taillight through a switch so i can turn them off/on,then hooked the brake light up through a hydraulic switch on the rear m/c directly to the battery so it comes on when i put on the rear brakes on all the time, i did this because we some times get on the road to connect trails and if there are any police i may stand a better chance of getting away with it if i have a brake light.where i live it's very easy to get a regular title for dirtbikes and get plates so i am some what should i say legal.i do have to charge the battery pretty often if i run all the lights to long but i mainly use the head/taillight to pass tech inspection then turn them off leaving only the brake light to drain the battery when the brakes are on just an idea it works for me.