
May 17, 2004
hey all, well last night i decided i would go out riding in a pit near my house. Well i was having a great time until i jumped up a hill just a little to fast and hit a tree. The good news is that i never got hurt :yeehaw: but the bike took all the damage. I broke the front fender (no biggie) and bent the handle bars(which i have a spare set). But I am worried that i may have bent the forks a bit. If i did is it possible to straighten them? I really hope they aren't bent but i will have to wait until i put the other handle bars on tonight. :bang:


Jan 27, 2000
cr2504life said:
The good news is that i never got hurt

If i did is it possible to straighten them?QUOTE]

But, how's the tree??? :rotfl:

CR. If they are bent, yes they can be straightened. Chances are, they are only tweaked and if you loosen the pinch bolts and front axel, you should be able to tweak them back straight again.

If you are still unsure, remove the forks and rotate the inner leg inside of the outer fork tube. Watch the end of the inner tube. If it spins straight, you'r ok. If it wobbles the tubes are bent. Any good shop should be able to straighten them using a press and dial indicator.

Just my $ .02
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