Bike Got Stolen

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Jul 7, 2003
I woke up to go wash my bike this morning...and it was gone. :bang:

Due to the extraordinarily amateur job they did in taking it, the police figure it's within a few blocks of here and was stolen by youths. There was no truck or trailer involved...they just wheeled it down the road. Thankfully, my muddy tires left a decent trail for a few hundred yards, but then petered out. Odds are they'll try to ride it as is, and didn't steal it to sell or part it out, so I've rallied local riders to comb the woods for my YZ.

Such a sick feeling...yeah, it's not an injury/loss of loved one, or any such trauma, but it's just an...empty sensation.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
That sucks man :think: Maybe post the info and any helpful identifiers for your bike on and where the majority of posters are Canadians. Good Luck in getting it back.


Jul 7, 2003
Thanks, Chili. I hope these idiots decide to take the bike to a track for a ride; it's set up for woods, and will beat them mercilessly into the ground on the first big jump.
I spent about 5 hours yesterday combing the local sand pits and trail entrances. Each local bike shop will get a poster and description on Tuesday morning. I've also recruited a group of unsavoury teens from the local high school to keep an ear to the ground. I'll be scouting EvilBay and the autotrader for the next few weeks, too. If things go as planned, someone's gonna get a beating.


Jul 7, 2003
Good idea, Ivan...especially for EvilBay parting out. I'm unable to upload pictures on this site, but the V.I.N. is JYACE08C41A011216. Maybe some kind soul could post a picture for me.

Particularities include:
2001 YZ 125, Canadian
Devol Radiator guards
Gold coloured pipe guard
Steahly 9 oz flywheel
Blue Kickstarter (PJ1 crap job)
Pro-Tech suspension (woods valving)
Tool kit hidden behind front number plate
Plastic Polissport wraparound hand guards
Blue Renthal McGrath bend bars


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Hmmm not sure what I'm doing wrong, you can at least see the picture but I can't seem to get the img tags to work to embed it into the post.


Sep 26, 2004
Hey Detonator, sorry to hear about your ride being stolen, I'm in Ontario this weekend visiting my family, But as soon as I get Home i'll ask my buddies to keep they're eyes opened for your bike.
were you insured for theft? maybe your house insurance will cover it?
Man what a bummer I hope you get your ride back


Jul 7, 2003
Howdy, BB...thanks for your help! You can tell your buddies that there is a generous reward for the gonads of the individuals who did this. My next-door neighbour is a cop and a fellow woods-racer, and he came over to lend support yesterday...he seems more ticked off than I am! Ah, boys and their toys...
Yup, it's a definite bummer. I've exhausted myself cruising the sandpits, walking the neighbourhood, checking autotrader and EvilBay for nefarious activity. I am insured for theft, but I'll still be $2,000 out of pocket since they don't insure accessories or modifications. Mine was a motocrosser redone for the woods, and the setup time is another downer. BTW, house insurance doesn't cover a motorized vehicle, so you need to carry separate insurance on your bike. It's cheap, so it's not a tough decision. I think what bugs me the most is the idea of some creeps joyriding my bike until it breaks, and then leaving it for dead in a ditch somewhere. Anyway, my firearm travels with me these days, so don't cut off any red minivans in traffic! (Just kidding...)


Sep 26, 2004
Hey Detonator, any news on your bike? I just did a search for yz's on . you might want to keep your eyes opened to that page too
I'll be coming into some money next week (getting a loan)
I found a 2001 CR250R for 2800$ only problem its in Ste-Jeanne d'arc thats 5 hours from here, theres another in Quebec city a 1999 for $2900 looks clean
i found them both on
well i just wanted to give you the link to lespac you never know they were stupid enough to steal it they maybe stupid enough to post it on there
Hope you find it


Jul 7, 2003
Hi, Tom...glad to hear about your loan. Don't be in a big rush just yet; lots of people are waiting until November to place their bikes for sale, and they use that money as a "down" to hold 2005 models at the dealer. You'll be pleased with the selection and pricing in a month. I'll keep checking autotrader in Eastern Ontario/Quebec for a late model CR for you. Diablo Honda in Lachine gets a lot of CR's in this time of year...might be worth a call/trip, and it's only minutes from your place.

Thanks for the link to Lespac...never saw that site before. I've been quite industrious in trying to locate my bike, but the most progress I've made is with the insurance adjuster. On one of my many trips to local sand-pits, I made a bit of an arse of myself...a guy was riding a bike very similar to mine, and I got a little overexcited. When he came off the track toward his trailer, I flagged him down (with my rifle) and checked out his V.I.N. He was clean, but his underwear might not have been. My wife announced tonight that I'm not allowed to shoot anybody. She just doesn't understand dirtbikes (or guitars). One of the local cops actually gave me tips on where to hit someone with a metal bar (stock handlebars have to be of some use)...never break their arms, because they can claim a defensive wound, like they were holding their hands up to protect themselves. I love cops. They're real people.


Sep 26, 2004
Ya wives are great for laying down the rules :laugh: they keep us outta trouble
mine's here telling me she's getting her hair done...hmmm she's not even sayin a word bout the bikes i'm lookin at, they're more expensive :yeehaw:
I'll check out the dealer in Lachine, do you know if they have a website?
Don't be shootin anyone .. i don't think you can ride bikes in prison
Hope ya find it


Jul 7, 2003
Tom...I think the dealership is actually called Dynamic Honda, but it also houses Pro-Tech suspension (one of the top suspension experts in Canada) and Diablo Racing's road and motocross teams. They usually haver more inventory in store than their website would indicate, so a phone call/visit is more effective. They're also one of the few English-speaking shops in town, if that's how you like to conduct business.



Sep 26, 2004
quoi? hahahaha
Merci with an english accent
On the phone with them now asking what they have in stock
they only have a 02 for $4900
too much money for me :bang:


Sep 26, 2004
Hey I just got back from getting a can of coffee at Tim Hortons and on the way I saw a red Minivan and wondered :clue: is that, could that be, i didn't dare pass him just incase it was that gunslingingstompintomconnorslisteninghillbillyfromthesouthwest

Hey man any news on your bike or insurance?
if the insurance pays up before they find your bike are you going to buy another one this year?
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2003
If you're going to balk at every red minivan in our area, you'll quickly develop a deep paranoia that only a Boston Creme doughnut can cure. However, your description of me is 100% accurate, and I strangely take it as a compliment.

My wife confiscated my primary weapon after the sandpit incident. I'm reduced to stock Yamaha handlebars and a spray can of brake parts cleaner. If I can get within 6 feet of the perp, he'll have an eyeful of cleaner and a headful of no-name soup can quality steel. I'm thinking about rigging up an extra long nozzle for the can to take my range up to 10 feet.

Negociations with the insurance folks are ongoing. They ask incredibly intelligent questions like " many engine hours did you have on it? How often did you change your oil? The last odometer reading? Have you ever made a windshield claim on the bike? Did they pick the ignition or break the steering column lock? Did the previous owner do any out-of-Province touring with the bike?" My favourite was the oil change question, because I told him "every second ride." He seemed to think that was unusually frequent...and then asked if it's because I'm into long-distance touring! They'll end up offering like a buck fifty as a settlement, I'll refuse the cheque, and we'll start over again. My Scottish ancestry makes the haggling process pleasurable.

I have a test ride on an '04 KTM 200 EXC next Saturday. Bike belongs to the current #1 in the Senior division, moving up to the Expert class next year. Fully sponsored bike, all the aftermarket stuff, wonderful maintenance records. I'll likely have to go $3,000 out of pocket plus insurance settlement to get the KTM. I'll put a reserve on it and pay him the rest when I knock over a bank with my parts cleaner and handlebars. I'll also tell my wife that the orange bikes cost less than the blue ones.


Sep 26, 2004
:laugh: Sounds cool :cool:
i can't wait for Wed. I've found a 2001 CR250 near by here guys asking 3700$ i think i'll be able to get it for 3000$
its got black UFO plastics and one industries stickers, i asked if he had the original plastics cuz i like Honda red
he said "yes"
My wifes giving me the eye :| , cuz the price of the bike i was going to buy went from 2000$ to 3000$ ... i'll have to do some sweet talking ... anyone have any idear's i can use to convince her the 3000$ one is better?
If ya do lemme know


Jun 17, 2008
i know what it feels like i was coming bak from ohio one night and as i was coming home i looked down the street and saw it was gone and i was sellng it so it had really stunk

flying flea

Mar 18, 2008
You know this thread is four years old... Some one needs to beat you in the ground with a spelling stick and a punctuation mark.


Jul 7, 2003
Back from the dead

Awww..don't be too hard on him. He lost a bike, and that sucks. I've moved on with my new relationship, a KTM 250 EXC. I still look at pictures of my old YZ and sigh...great bike, sorely missed.

BTW, I am an English teacher, and I never correct other people's online grammar. I figure these computer types let me off the hook with my goony technology skills, so it's all good!

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