Bike not Ideling


Damn Yankees
Nov 19, 2002
I went to start my bike today, and warmed it up. Then it wouldnt idel. This is the first time it has done this. it ran fine th elast time i had it running which was about a week ago. The temp right now is about 35 degrees F. the Jets have never been touched, and it is all stock, except for the airbox mod. the airfilter has just been cleaned, plenty of gas, and plenty of oil. any ideas on what the prob could be?


May 17, 2000
My bike won't idle if the a/f screw is too far clockwise (richer). You could try turning the a/f screw ccw and see if starts idling. If it does start idling and you are more than 2 turns out then you may need a smaller pilot jet.

I usually set the a/f screw for highest idle then slowly turn cw until I hear the rpm just start to drop a little then I adjust the idle screw just high enough to keep it idling. This gives me the best throttle response. It's worth playing aroung with because if it's too rich or too lean it will hurt low end performance.
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Apr 1, 2003
I have always set all of bikes up to where they will not idle. But it is what someone likes I guess.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
make sure you turn the choke off. I am always forgetting that and start to panic that my bike won't idle. I finally painted the knob orange so I can see it down there and can instantly tell it is up or down. Hope that is all the problem is.


Damn Yankees
Nov 19, 2002
nope, the choke was off, my jest are fine, they have been fine, and yes theyre stock. ive never had to touvh them. my idle screw I played with, and I didnt touch my air screw. Ive never touched it before, and dont wann amess with anyhitng I dont have to. my bike was running perfectly untill today when it didnt idle.


Nov 12, 2002
Check for air leaks around the carb, meaning the boots and slide-cap that threads on. Personally I'd pull the carb and thoroughly clean all the jets and seat-needle valve with something like Gum-Out Carb jet spray. Even though the petcock has a filter on it, some dirt can get down into the carb bowl (pump gas isn't always very clean).
Also, try changing the plug and make sure the air filter is clean. Hopefully its something simple you can get sorted out, so good luck!

Another note...sometimes when you adjust the idle screw while the bike is running you have to give it some throttle and then let it idle back down for the adjustment to kick in. ;)


May 16, 2002
was the bike warmed up at all? most of time my bike wont idle until it has been running for about a minute or so.


Damn Yankees
Nov 19, 2002
ok, you guys, Ive tried everyhting except cleaning the carb, and thats the last thing I wanna do. I just started it up agian, and you prob wont believe this cause its weird but it only idles when its cold. anfter about 2 minutes, it wont idle. Ill start it up with the choke on, get it running for about 20 seconds, turn the choke off, then it will idle. Then about 2 minutes later, itll die. Ill start it up rev it a few times, try to let it idle, and it will die. andy more ideas?

Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
Sounds like the pilot circuit is a little off. Try playing with the airscrew and see if that helps. I'm assuming you've tried to rectify the problem by adjusting the idle adjust screw? Have you tried using in the idle adjustment screw? That would certainly be the place to start.

Just a note as the weather warms up in your area you'll need to play with your jetting. The stock jetting is going to be too rich and you'll be fouling plugs.

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