
Mar 20, 2001
On June 9, 2000, then President Bill Clinton signed a Proclamation establishing the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument in South Central Oregon. The proclamation boundary included 52,000 acres. This area has now “grown” to over 60,000 acres. Within the boundary lies a prime Jeep road identified for closure and another already closed. There currently exist many miles of groomed snowmobile trails and some wonderful high lakes fishing opportunities.

Interior Secretary Gale Norton provided an opportunity for local politicians to provide input regarding recently designated monuments before proposed management plans are released.

Jackson County (in Southern Oregon) Commissioners have followed recommendations of their local RAC and have recommended to Secretary Norton the boundary of the monument be reduced to include only 16,500 acres of land currently managed by BLM. They recommend against the purchase of private land by the U.S. Government.

Despite local media spins to the contrary, there is a groundswell of support for the recommendations forwarded by the local Commissioners. There is a local contingent of very vocal environmental extremists. I am asking for your help in preserving Multiple Use management in this area by sending the a letter to Secretary Norton and to our Oregon Senators and the local Representative.

To send a letter, simply visit the BlueRibbon Coalition’s Rapid Response Center at: http://capwiz.com/share/home/ and click on the “Cascade/Siskiyou” alert.

For more information contact Joni Mogstad <[email protected]>
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