Here's what I can remember, to get to the loops, start off by accessing Desi Way near the Gate, then over to Omega, which runs parallel with the main entrance rd. The loop starts off about 3/4 of the way around Porterhouse (called DJ's Loop), then comes out on N end of We Show, goes S on We Show, across Access Rd up hill, then winds around and works it's way to the "T" at On Any Sunday, ride through mudhole area on OAS until the Loop starts again, then it comes out on Access Rd near the N end of Angry Jeep, then goes over part of Solihul. At this point, you should be near the SE corner of property, the trail follows the outer border of property until coming out near the Access Rd by the Sand Pit. Starts again on Rocky Run and works it's way around the southern perimeter. After all that, it's pretty easy to find the final miles and ends somewhere around Sidewinder.
Of course, there's several options to be taken so it takes several Loops to actually ride all of the single track!